本书共分15个章节,主要对中国林业的相关资料作了介绍,具体内容包括Surveys of Forest in
China、Silviculture and Ecological Improvement、Forestry Education
and Training Program、Forestry Planning & Finance等。
Surveys of Forest in China
1. China's Forestry:1999-2005
2. General Conditions of Forestry in China
Six Major Forestry Programs
1. Natural Forest Protection Program
2. The Conversion of Farmland for Forest Program
3. Beijing-Tianjin Rim Combating Desertification Program
4. The 'Three North' Shelterbelt Development Program
5. Shelterbelt Development Program in the Yangtze River Valley and
Other Key Areas
6. The Program of Establishment of Fast-growing and High-yielding
limber Plantations in Key Areas
Silviculture and Ecological Improvement
1. Production of Tree Seeds and Seedlings
2. Silviculture
3. Combating Desertification
4. Mobilizing Citizens for Planting Trees on a Voluntary Basis
Forestry Resource Protection and Forestry Administration
1. Forestry Resource Protection
2. Wild Fauna and Flora Conservation
3. Development of Nature Reserves
4. Wetlands Conservation
5. Forest Fire Control
6. Forest Armed Police Units
Forestry Industry
1. Overview
2. Forest Parks and Forestry Tourism
Forestry Policies, Laws and Institutional Reform
1.Great Achievements have been Made in Forestry Policy System
2. Forestry Management in Compliance With Forestry Laws was Further
3. Prominent Achievements in Popularization of Forestry Laws
4. Administrative Licensing Practice became Standardized at the
Preliminary Level
Forestry Science and Technology
1. Forestry Science and Technology
2. The Chinese Academy of Forestry
Forestry Education and Training Program
1. Higher Learning and Vocational Education
2. Beijing Forestry University
3. Northeast Forestry University
4. Nanjing Forestry University
Forestry Opening up
1. Overview
2. Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange
in the Field of the Forestry Sector
3. Economic and Technological Cooperation of the Forestry
4. Multilateral Forestry Cooperation and Exchange
5. The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
6. Non-governmental Exchange and Cooperation
7. Management of the World Bank Loan Projects
The Development of State-owned Forest Farms (Nurseriy) and
Forest Work Stations
1. State-owned Forest Farms
2. Forest Work Stations
Forestry Planning & Finance
1. Scientific Planning System was Formulated to Provide Support for
Strategic Positioning and Systematic Integration of Forestry
2. Supportive Policies were Implemented; Management and Operational
Environment Got Optimized
3. The Total Investment in Forestry was Greatly Increased and the
Investment Structure was Highly Improved
4. A Solid Development of 6 Key Programs was Ensured;
Infrastructure Construction and Supportive System Construction were
Developed onto a New Level
5. The Guidance of Service was Strengthened; Forestry Development
Emerged New Vitality
6. Management Centering on Safe and Effective Capital Operation was
Strengthened and Forestry Planning and Finance Work Stepped onto a
New Level
7. Supportive Reforms were Continued and Planning and Finance Work
were Continuously Innovated
8. Kept on Promoting Overall Development by Focusing on The
Development of Specific Programs and Regions; Regional Forestry
Development and Opening up was Raised to a Higher Level
9. Forestry Capital Audit
Forestry in Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
Beijing Municipality
Tianjin Municipality
Hebei Province
Shanxi Province
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
inner Mongolia Forestry Industry (Group) Corporation
Liaoning Province
Jilin Province
Jilin Forestry Industrial (Group) Corporation
Heilongjiang Province
Longjiang Forestry Industry (Group) Corporation
The Greater Xing'an Mountains Forestry Group
Shanghai Municipality
Jiangsu Province
Zhejiang Province
Anhui Province
Fujian Province
Jiangxi Province
Shandong Province
Henan Province
Hubei Province
Hunan Province
Guangdong Province
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Hainan Province
Chongqing Municipality
Sichuan Province
Guizhou Province
Yunnan Province
Tibet Autonomous Region
Shaanxi Province
Gansu Province
Qinghai Province
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Forestry Personnel Affairs
1. The Building of Leading Groups and Cadres at Different Levels in
Departments or Institutions Directly under SFA was Generally
Enhanced and Important Progress was Madein the Reform of Cadre and
Personnel System
2. Two Transfers were Realized in the Forestry Education and
Training and Each Work was Smoothly Pushed Forward
3. Human Resources Work Made New Progress
4. The Organizational Building of the Forestry Sector was Perfected
and Forestry Social Groups Had Been Flourishing
Forestry Social Organizations
1. China Forestry Society
2. China Forestry Economics Society
Major Forestry Laws and Regulations
Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council
on Accelerating the Development of Forestry
Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of
Seed Law of the People's Republic of China
Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Contract in Rural
Regulations for the Implementation of Forestry Law of the People's
Republic of China
Regulations on Conversion of Farmland to Forests