《现代金融业务》是综合考试中的一门,涵盖从中国金融业概述、银行和金融机构监管、中国外汇体制等宏观方面的知识到银行中间业务、银行信贷、国际结算、证券和期货、保险基础等微观业务知识。 本书为金融英语证书综合考试教材《现代金融业务》的辅导材料。其结构安排和教材内容编排一致,方便读者阅读参考,对教材中的难点、重点问题进行了详细的讲解,每章后附有单词、短语、术语的释义,对读者复习迎考有一定的帮助。
综述第一部分 中国金融业概述第二部分 银行业与金融机构监管第三部分 中国的外汇体制第四部分 会计第五部分 中间业务第六部分 贷款第七部分 国际结算第八部分 证券市场与期货市场第九部分 保险基础知识第十部分 银行函电附录一 各部分练习参考答案附录二 试题选编及答案参考文献
Passage Two The banking industry plays a critical role in a countrys financial system and eco-nomic development. If any country wants to build a healthy financial system and a sta-ble, balanced economic development, a robust banking industry must be in place. Forthis reason, a banks business and operation should be consistent with its governmentsmacro-economic policy. From a government perspective, if there is over-investment insome industry, or segment, the government will control this overheated industry or seg-ment. If there are insufficient inputs in some industry or segment, and if this industry orsegment is of strategic importance to either peoples life or a countrys development, itwill be very natural for the government to try to mobilize more resources and capitalthere by promulgating macro-economic policy. Then the regulating authorities will seekto use their window guidance function to confine or boost the banking industrys loangrowth to a reasonable level. Sometimes, a banks overall loan growth goal and its loan growth aim for a specificindustry is consistent with those of the regulating authorities. It means that the bank hasthe same judgment on the overall economic development and on a specific industrysprospect with the government. In practice, it is shown in the banks decision on lendingbusiness, whether to increase, maintain, gradually decrease or even withdraw the loandisbursement in some industry. While sometimes, it is not the case. Because the gov-ernment views economy from a national perspective and there must be imbalance be-tween different regions and clients. It is a kind of tradeoff between long-term interestand short-term returns, a healthy national economy and a banks profitability. We can-not deny that there are still some high quality clients in some overheated industry.Banks can still make great profits via lending to them. But for the banking industry, theoverall economic development is the cornerstone of its current and sustainable profit-ability. Therefore, for its lending business, a bank must take the governments macropolicy into consideration, balancing with its own current loan portfolio, and adjust it tobe in line with the governments macro policy and meet the banks own profitabilitygoal.
书很新,内容全面但略显深入,不过是学习金融英语不错的选择吧 呵呵
还不错 就是单词有的 没有音标
书的质量很好 不是很大 但是很厚 感觉很有欲望读下去
中英文都有 讲的也很好 要是有听力光盘就跟完美了!
虽然暂时不考金融英语 但是感觉很实用 有看下去的欲望
配合教材 可以一看