刘雄 编著
本书是计算机专业英语教科书,书中选取了有关计算机基础、系统和应用三方面的英语短文。本书从三方面帮助学生提高阅读和使用计算机英语的能力:第一,本书用规范语言对语法和词汇进行了讲解,并在每章后面设置了相应的练习。第二,本书讲授了专业英语的阅读技巧,例如:理解句子的意思、找中心思想、构词法等。第三,本书给学生提供了最基本的计算机知识和计算机操作原理。本书所涉及的内容极其广泛:包括计算机软、硬件知识、操作系统、程序设计、软件工程、数据库、多媒体技术、网络技术以及办公自动化等内容。 本书是学习计算机专业英语的实用教材。建议用60学时讲授。也可作自学计算机英语或普及计算机知识用书。
Chapter 1 lrltroduction. 1.1 What’S a Computer 1.2 History of Computers 1.3 Characteristics 1.4 Computer Capabilities and LimitationsChapter 2 Computer Hardware and Software 2.1 Hardware and Software 2.2 Microcomputers 2.3 The Central Processing Unit 2.4 Primary and Secondary Memory 2.5 Disks and Disk Drives 2.6 Phnters 2.7 Tenninals Chapter 3 The Operating System 3.1 Summary of Operating Systems 3.2 File Systems 3.3 The Disk Operating System(DOS) 3.4 Time Sharing Versus BatchChapter 4 Pasram Design 4.1 Steps in Problem Solving 4.2 Computer Arithmetic 4 3 Flowcharting 4.4 Programs and Programming LanguagesChapter 5 Sofevam Engineering 5.1 The Software Life Cycle 5.2 Software Design 5.3 Software Testing 5.4 Software Maintenance Chapter 6 Database 6.1 Data Base Management Systems(DBMS) 6.2 DBMS Structuring Techniques 6.3 Data Indepenenee,Integrity and SecurityChapter 7 Multimedia Technology 7.1 Hot Technology for Computer 7.2 Multimedia TechnologyChapter 8 Computer Networks 8.1 Centralized and Distributed Systems 8.2 Computer NetworksChapter 9 Office Automation 9.1 Office Automation 9.2 Application of Office Automation