

(美)william stanek 电子工业





(美)william stanek  






这是一本代码详尽的程序开发人员用书,其最大特点是使用大量“商业级”的程序代码来传授企业应用程序的开发技巧。书中所有的示例都分别提供C#和Visual Basic.NET两种语言的代码,便于读者的对比学习。本书的第一部分简明地介绍了ASP.NET框架,第二部分以大量的代码实例讨论ASP.NET的各个方面,最后是使用广泛的Microsoft .NET名字空间的完全参考。本书涉及ASP.NET的全面细节,主要包括通用语言运行时、确认控件、Web控件、列表控件、用户控件、组件构建、ADO.NET和XML Web服务等。


Introduction 1
Part I Studying for the Programmer誷 Exam 7
Chapter 1 Programmer Exam Roadmap 8
What Is the Programmer Exam Like? 8
What誷 on the Exam 8
Declarations and Access Control 9
Flow Control and Exception Handling 9
Garbage Collection 9
Language Fundamentals 9
Operators and Assignments 9
Overloading, Overriding Runtime Type, and Object Orientation 10
Threads 10
The java.awt Package ?Layout 10
The java.lang Package 10
The java.util Package 10
The java.io Package 11
How Does the Text Map to the Programmer Exam Objectives? 11
How the Test Is Administered 11
How to Sign up for and Take the Exams 11
Test-Taking Tips for the Programmer Exam 12
What the Test Program Looks Like for the Programmer Exam 12
Be Careful! 13
Take Your Time and Answer the Easy Ones First 13
Beware of Tricks 14
Understand Why the Question Is on the Test 14
Know Your Test Center 15
What Happens When You誶e Done? 16
Sun誷 Take on Certification 16
How Sun Manages the Certification Process 16
Where Certification Is Heading 17
Chapter 2 Java Programming Fundamentals 18
Java Programming Concepts 18
Objects 18
Classes 19
Packages 19
Inheritance 19
Encapsulation 20
Access Controls 20
Java誷 Characteristics 21
Design for Distributed Networks 22
Design for Multithreading 22
Design for Ease of Use and Reuse 22
Design for Security 23
Working with Java Applets and Applications 23
The Java Specification and the API 23
Java 1.1 24
Java 2: JDK 1.2 24
Java 2: JDK 1.3 25
Review Questions 25
Answers to Review Questions 26
Chapter 3 Java Keywords 27
An Alphabetical List of All the Keywords 27
Organizing Classes 27
Defining Classes 28
Keywords for Classes and Members 28
Simple Data Types 30
Values and Variables 30
Exception Handling 31
Instance Creation and Testing 32
Control Flow 32
Exercises 34
Exercise 3-1 34
Exercise 3-2 34
Exercise 3-3 34
Answers to the Exercises 34
Review Questions 35
Answers to Review Questions 36
Chapter 4 Java Building Blocks 37
Identifiers 37
Literals 38
Boolean Literals 38
Character Literals 38
Exercise 4-1 39
String Literals 39
Exercise 4-2 40
Integer Literals 40
Floating-Point Literals 41
Separators 41
Operators 41
Exercise 4-3 42
Exercise 4-4 43
Comments 43
Answers to the Exercises 44
Review Questions 44
Answers to Review Questions 46
Chapter 5 Memory and Garbage Collection 47
Garbage Collection 47
When Does an Object Become Eligible for Garbage Collection? 48
Invoking the Garbage Collector 48
Finalization 49
Exercise 5-1 49
Exercise 5-2 49
Accessing Members 50
Exercise 5-3 51
Passing Parameters to a Method 51
Exercise 5-4 54
Forcing Garbage Collection 55
Answers to the Exercises 55
Review Questions 57
Answers to Review Questions 59
Chapter 6 Data Types and Values 60
Data Types 60
Variables and Data Types 61
Primitive Data Types 61
Integer Data Types 62
Character Values 63
Floating-Point Arithmetic 64
Booleans 65
Casting 65
Exercises 66
Exercise 6.1 66
Exercise 6.2 66
Exercise 6.3 66
Arrays 66
Declaring and Initializing Arrays 67
One-Dimensional Arrays 67
Initializing an Array When it is Allocated 68
Exercise 6.4 69
Arrays of Arrays 69
Where Arrays Fit into the Class Hierarchy 70
Answers to the Exercises 71
Review Questions 72
Answers to Review Questions 73
Chapter 7 Operators 74
Operators and Expressions 74
Arithmetic Operators 75
Assignment Operators 77
Comparison Operators 78
Logical Operators 79
Bitwise Operators 80
The>>Operator 81
The>>>Operator 82




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