Basic Buddhism(中国佛教发展史略述) (英文版)
南怀瑾、 J.C.Cleary 东方出版社 (2008-11出版)
《中国佛教发展史略述(英文版)》分为五大部分为CHATER 1:Buddism and the Culture of India,CHAPTER 2:Shakyamuni Buddha,the Founder of Buddhism,CHAPTER 3:The Transmission of Buddhism to China,CHAPTER 4:Buddhism in Other Countries,CHAPTER 5:Buddhism in the 20th Century.
作者:南怀瑾 译者:(英国)J.C.Cleary
CHAPTER 1.Buddhism and the Culture of IndiaThe Development of Indian CultureThe Rise of Various Philosophical Trends Chapter SummaryCHAPTER 2.Shakyamuni Buddha, the Founder of Buddhism Shakyamuni' s Lineage Leaving Home and Awakening to thePath The Founding of the Teaching Chapter Summary CHAPTER 3:The Transmission of Buddhism to China The First Period of the Transmission The Heyday of Chinese Buddhism laChapter Summary 1ECHAPTER 4:Buddhism in Other CountriesBuddhism in AsiaBuddhism in Europe and AmericaChapter SummaryCHAPTER 5.Buddhism in the 20th CenturyThe Decline of Chinese Buddhism Sincethe Qing PeriodThe Buddhist Revival of the Late Qingand Early Republican PeriodsConclusionAPPENDIX:The Zen Monastic System and Chinese SocietyThe Different Societies of Eastern andWestern CivilizationThe Early Buddhist Monastic SystemThe Origin of the Zen Monastic SystemThe Zen Monastic System: Its Regula-tions and GuidelinesThe Influence of the Zen CommunitiesThe Zen Halls:Cultivation of PracticeThe Legacy of the Zen Community Pure RulesThe Zen Community and Patriarchal Clan SocietyThe Zen Monastic System and Chinese CultureThe Zen Monastic System and the Secret SocietiesClosing CommentsIndx About the Author
Around the period that Shakyamuni Buddha founded Bud-dhism.a profusion of various schools of philosophy,all seekingthe truth for themselves,established their independence.Eachhad its own philosophical system and its own organized systemof thought.It is customary in the study of Indian philosophy tospeak of the six orthodox schools and the three heterodoxschools.The six so-called orthodox schools were Samkhya,Yo-ga,Vaisheshika,Nyaya or Naiyayaka,Mimamsa,and Vedanta.These six schools accepted the authority of the philosophy thathad come down from the Vedas,and they can be called the or-thodox schools of the brahmanical religion.The three so-calledheterodox schools were Buddhism,Jainism,and Worldly Secu-larism。These three schools were anti-orthodox:they did not ac-cept the authority of Vedic thought.The worldview of the Samkhya school was dualistic.It、maintained that at the basic source of the world there were two original principles:a material inherent identity and a spiritual self.By the development of these two original principles,there came to be egotism,the five organs of knowledge,the five or-‘gans of action,the organ of mind,the five sense obj ects,and thefive great elements.By means of these twenty-five truths,the Samkhya School accounted for the myriad forms of the world. The Yoga school established its own philosophy based onthe thought of the Samkya sch001.The Vaisheshika school,based on a pluralistic theory,put forward a materialistic view of.
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