This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed introduction to the basic physics and engineering aspects of lasers, as well as to the design and operational principles of a wide range of optical systems and electro-optic devices. Throughout, full details of important derivations and results are given, as are many practical examples of the design, construction, and performance characteristics of different types of lasers and electro-optic devices. The first half of the book deals with the fundamentals of laser physics, the characteristics of laser radiation, and discusses individual types of laser, including optically-pumped insulating crystal lasers, atomic gas lasers, molecular gas lasers, and semiconductor lasers. The second half deals with topics such as optical fibers, electro-optic and acousto-optic devices, the fundamentals of nonlinear optics, parametric processes, phase conjugation and optical bistability. The book concludes with chapters on optical detection, coherence theory, and the applications of lasers. Covering a broad range of topics in modem optical physics and engineering, this book will be invaluable to those taking undergraduate courses in laser physics, optoelectronics, photonics, and optical engineering. It Fill also act as a useful reference for graduate students and researchers in these fields.
Prefacel Spontaneous and Stimulated Transitions 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Why 'Quantum' Electronics? 1.3 Amplification at Optical Frequencie 1.4 The Relation Between Energy Density and Intensity 1.5 Intensity of a Beam of Electromagneti Radiation in Tenn of Photon Flux 1.6 Black-Body Radiation 1.7 Relation Between the Einstein A and B Coeffirients 1.8 The Effect of Level Degeneracy 1.9 Ratio of Spontaneous and Stimulated Transition 1.10 Problems2 Optical Frequency Amplifiers 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Homogeneous Line Broadening 2.4 Optical Frequency Amplification wilh a Homogeneously Broadened Transition 2.5 Optical Frequency Amplification with Inhomogeneous Broadening Included 2.6 Optical Frequency Oscillation - Saturation 2.7 Power Output from a Laser Amplifier 2.8 The Electron Oscillator Model of a Radiative Transition 2.9 What Are Ihe Physical Significances of x and x 2.10 The Classical Oscillator Explanation for Slimulated Emission 2.11 Problems Reference3 Introduction to Two Practical Laser Systems4 Passive Optical Resonators5 Optical Resoators Containging Amplifying Media6 Laser Radiation7 Control of Laser Oscillators8 Optically Pumped Solid-State Lasers9 Gas Lasers10 Molecular Gas LasersⅠ11 Molecular Gas LasersⅡ12 Tunable Lasers13 Semiconductor Lasers14 Analysis of Optical SystemsⅠ15 Analysis of Optical SystemsⅡ16 Optics of Gaussian Beams17 Optical Fibers and Waveguides18 Optics of Anisotropic Media19 The Electro-Optic and Acousto-Optic Effects and Modulation of Light Beams20 Introduction to Nonlinear Processes21 Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Media22 Detection of Optical Radiation23 Coherence Theory24 Laser ApplicationsAppendix 1 Optical TerminologyAppendix 2 The FunctionAppendix 3 Black-Body Radiation FormulasAppendix 4 RLC CircuitAppendix 5 Storage and Transport of Energy by Electromagnetic FieldsAppendix 6 The Reflection and Refraction of a Plane ElectromagneticWave at the Boundary Between Two Isotropic Media ofDifferent Refractive IndexAppendix 7 The Vector Differential Equation fo Light RaysAppendix 8 Symmetry Properties of Crystals and the 32 Crystal ClassesAppendix 9 TensorsAppendix 10 Bessel Function RelationsAppendix 11 Green's FunctionsAppendix 12 Recommended Values of Some Physical ConstantsIndex