THIS final volume of the Course of Theoretical Physics deals with physical kinetics, in the wide sense of the microscopic theory of processes in systems not in statistical equilibrium. .In contrast to the properties of systems that are in statistical equilibrium, the kinetic properties are much more closely related to the nature of the microscopic interactions in a particular physical object. This is the reason for the enormous variety in such properties and the considerably greater complexity of the relevant theory. The choice of topics to be included in a general course of theoretical physics thereby becomes less clear. ...
Preface . Notation I. KINETIC THEORY OF GASES 1. The distribution function 2. The principle of detailed balancing 3. Thc Boltzmann transport equation 4. The H theorem 5. The change to macroscopic equations 6. The transport equation for a slightly inhomogeneous gas 7. Thermal conduction in the gas 8. Viscosity in the gas 9. Symmetry of the kinetic coefficients 10. Approximate solution of the transport equation 11. Diffusion of a light gas in a heavy gas 12. Diffusion of a heavy gas in a light gas 13. Transport phenomena in a gas in an external field 14. Phenomena in slightly rarefied gases 15. Phenomena in highly rarefied gases 16. Dynamical derivation of the transport equation 17. The transport equation including three-particle collisions 18. The virial expansion of the kinetic coefficients 19. Fluctuations of the disturbution function in an equilibrium gas 20. Fluctuations of the distribution function in a non-equilibruim gasⅡ THE DIFFUSION APPROXIMATION 21.The Fokker-Planck equation 22.A weakly ionized gas in an electric field 23.Fluctuations in a weakly ionized non-equilbuim gas 24.Recombination and ionization 25.Ambipolar diffusion 26.Ion mobiity in solution of strong electrolytesⅢ COLLISIONLESS PLASMAS 27.The self-consistent field 28.Spatial dispersion in plasmas 29.The permitvity of a colllisionnless plasma 30.Landau damping 31.Permitivity of a maxwellian PalmaⅣ COLLISIONS IN PLASMASⅤ PLASMAS IN MAGNETIC FIELDSⅥ INSTABILITY THEORYⅦ INSULATORSⅧ QUANTUM LIQUIDSⅨ METALSⅩ THE DIAGRAM TECHNIQUE FOR NON-EQUILBRIUMⅪ SUPERCONDUCTORSⅫ KINETICS OF PHASE TRANSITIONS