Tao Pang
这是一本非常新的计算物理学教程.它介绍了计算物理学的基本方法和最新进展,论述了许多计算物理学的现代新课题。书中包括一些与现代物理学有关的实用数值方法的例题,每章末有练习题。 本书主要包括:绪论;基础数值法;常微分方程;矩阵数值法;光谱分析法和高斯求积;偏微分方程;分子动力学模拟;模拟连续系统;蒙特卡罗模拟;数值重正化;符号计算;高性能计算。 读者对象:计算物理学及相关学科的大学生、研究生和科研人员。
Prefacedisclaimer of WarrantiesAcknowledgment1 Introduction 1.1 Computations and science 1.2 The emergence of modern computers 1.3 Computer algorithms and languages2 Basic numerical methods 2.1 Interpolations and approximations 2.2 differentiation and integration 2.3 Zeros and extremes of a single-variable function 2.4 Classical scattering 2.5 Random number generators3 Ordinary differential equations 3.1 initial-value problems 3.2 The Euler and Picard methods 3.3 Predictor-corrector methods 3.4 The Runge-kutta method 3.5 Chaotic dynamics of a driven pendulum 3.6 Boundary-value and eignevalue problems 3.7 The shooting method 3.8 Linear equations and the Sturm-Lioville problem 3.9 The on-dimensional Schordinger equation4 Numerical methodes for matrices……5 Spectral analysis and Gaussian quadrature6 Partial differential equations7 Molecular dynamics simulations8 Modeling continuous systems9 Monte Carlo simulations10 Numerical renormalization11 Symbolic computing12 High-performance computingReferencesIndex