It is to my surprise that the basis of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) has been made firmer and firmer in its applicability in the perturbative as well as nonperturbative regime since the first edition of this book was prepared in 1986. While much theoretical progress has been made in perturbative QCD, the basic structure of its formulation has remained unchanged and so the book is still of value for researchers who wish to learn fundamental items of perturbative QCD. ...
Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Chapter1. Introduction 1.1. General Survey 1.2. Quarkscand Color 1.3. Need for Asymptotic Freedom 1.4. Notation and Conventions Chapter 2. Elements of Quantum Chromodynamics 2.1. Gauge Principle 2.2. Quantization 2.3. Feynman Rules 2.4. Regularization 2.5. Renormalization Chapter 3. Renormalization Group Method 3.1. Renormalization Group 3.2. Renormalization groupcequations 3.3. Solution of the Renormalization Group Equations 3.4. Asymptotic Freedom Chapter 4. Operator Product Expansion 4.1. Operator Products 4.2. Operator-product Expansioncin Perturbation Theory 4.3. Coeffi ient Functions Chapter 5. Physical Applications 5.1. Total Cross Section for e+e-Annihilations 5.2. Deep Inelastic Lepton-hadron Scatterings 5.3. Renormalization-scheme Dependence 5.4. Jets Chapter 6. Infrared Divergences 6.1. One-loop Example 6.2. Proofcof the Soft-photon Cancellation in QED 6.3.ccGeneralcArgumentscforcInfraredcCancellations Appendix A: One-loop Contributioncto Superficially Divergent Feynman Amplitudes in QCD Appendix B: Useful Formulas involving thecSU(N) Generators Appendix C: Renormalization Constantscin QCD Appendix D: Feynman Rules Bibliography Indexc