J.Dabrowski,H-J.Mussig 著
Silicon is the material of choice of the multibillion semiconductor industry. Ongoing miniaturization of microelectronic devices drives critical regions of integrated circuits ever closer to the place where the silicon ends and another material begins, to the interracial region. Performance and reliability of electronic microelements depend more and more on the microscopic quality of the interfaces and on the microscopic-scale quality of the original Si surfaces. Suffice to say that as soon as in the first decade of the coming millenium the customers will be offered microelectronic chips with minimum features about hundred atoms long and a couple of atoms thick! Small wonder that atomic-scale knowledge is gaining a commercial value.
Preface 1 Fundamental Concepts and Methods 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Silicon Age 1.2.1 The omnipresent silicon 1.2.2 The MOS technology 1.3 Methods 0f MOdern Surface Science 1.3.1 Theoretical techniques 1.3.2 Experimental techniques 1.4 Silicon Surfaces and Interfaces 1.4.1 Fundamental concepts 1.4.2 Free surfaces 1.4.3 Buried interfaces 1.5 Primary Silicon Surfaces and Their Vicinals 1.5.1 Structures of Si(001) 1.5.2 Structures of Si(111) 1.5.3 Si(1 ln)surfaces 1.5.4 Structures of si(n3) 1.5.5 Structures of Si(110)2 The Famous Reconstruction of Si(001) 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Overview:expectations bias our predictions 2.2 Pre-STM Era:Groping through the Dark 2.2.1 Early observations and models 2.2.2 Dimers,chains,vacancies,or maybe something else? 2.2.3 The mysterious fourfold periodicity strikes back 2.2.4 Buckling of dimers 2.2.5 Simple models lose some credit 2.3 To Buckle or N0t七0 Buckle? 2.3.1 The first group photo of dimers 2.3.2 Electronic structure attracts more attention 2.3.3 Seeing is believing 2.3.4 The sobering variety of opinions 2.4 A Clear Picture Finally Emerges 2.4.1 Reconciliations 2.4.2 Completing the picture 2.5 Conclusions and Summary 2.5.1 what did we learn 2.5.2 What is still missing3. Geometries of Clean Si(001) 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Perfect Si(001) 3.3. Surface Defects 3.4. Metastable Structures4. Evolution of Clean Si(001) 4.1. Introduction