茅风华 主编
一、紧扣大纲与真题 本书是根据近年来高校英语专业四级考试最新大纲、最新真题以及考点等编写而成的,共收录10套试题,分为两大部分:第一部分是我们精选编排而成的预测试题;第二部分是参考答案、听力原文及试题解析。本试卷集体裁丰富、覆盖面广、分析精辟、解题透彻,各套试题的内容、形式、难度以及编排等都与全真考题保持严格意义上的一致。 二,强调信度与效度 本书编者均从事英语专业综合英语和听力课教学多年,并多次参与英语专业四级考试的评卷和研究工作,经验丰富。此试卷集是他们对自上世纪90年代初以来考过的近二十年英语专业四级考试真题研究与多年专业英语教学经验的结晶。加之,出题均基于语料库和并严格参照最新考试真题。因此,这8套预测题可以说是信度高、效度高、很具“考试相”的模拟试题。 三、难度与真题相当 我们研究了历年考试真题的来源与出题原则,编写了此10套难度与真题相当的模拟试卷,并且从方法与效率的角度出发,对每道题的解释做到了字斟句酌,力求简明、扼要,指导性强,对重点难点,做出了详尽的分析与解释。而对显而易见之处则只点明答题关键。本书配有录音光盘,考生可以通过我们的录音了解并熟悉专四听力的考试时间、速度以及内容等,在有限的备考时间内积累应对听力试题的技巧和经验,快速提高自己的听力,以达到专业四级考试的要求。
Model Test OneModel Test Tw0Model Test ThreeModel Test FourModel Test FiveModel Test SixModel Test SevenModel Test EightModel Test NineModel Test TenModel Test One 答案与精解Model Test Tw0 答案与精解Model Test Three 答案与精解Model Test Four 答案与精解Model Test Five 答案与精解Model Test Six 答案与精解Model Test Seven 答案与精解Model Test Eight 答案与精解Model Test Nine 答案与精解Model Test Ten 答案与精解
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage The 23rd Olympic games were held in Los Angeles and. like every other Olympic game, they represented a contest ofmind, muscle, and athletic determination. The pursuit of high technology, however, showed increasing significance in the staging of the event and helped set an example for staging future events. This olympics are no just a race of the gold any more.they have also become a race for computer technology, For example, in this event, computers were used to keep track ofschesules, accounts, transportation, and ticketing for more than 43000 olympic employees and volunteers. This was not aneasy task, A sophisticated electronic message system, moreover, helped keep the 12,000 or so journalists up-to-date on results,Due to this system, they were able to know about and broadcast to the world the judges final decision usually within a minute stime. This message system also allowed traffic controllers to relay traffic reports more efficiently, so that the usually chaoticLos Angeles highways became easy (o navigate through. Computers and other high-tech tools were also used to train American athletes by analyzing and evaluating performances. This computer wizardry assisted the athletes in identifying weaknesses andsuggesting ways to improve. Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage People said that Saint——Pierre was the" Paris of the West Indies". This beautiful little port lay between a long beach and pretty little volcano, Mont Pelee. The volcano was not dead. Stream began to come ont of the lake in 1901. The volcano began to throw up how ashes in April 1902. They fell all day on May 2rid. School children stayed at home and shops and offices were closed. It was difficult to breathe and people got sore eyes and throats. On May 5th it rained heavily and a river of boiling mud rushed down the mountain. Some lava came down on May 7th. Many people wanted to leave ——but they did not go. The noliticians told them that there was no danger. They wanted them to vote in the election on May 10th. There was no election.
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