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Tonight, up-up and away. Im Beth Ruyak and this is Pulse. Flying isa great way to travel. But there s a lot more to know than how to buckleyour seat belts and where the exits are, to make your trip safe and healthy.Even you frequent fliers may learn something new. No matter who you are, or what you do, chances are sometime soonyou 11 be making a trip to the airport. Now there s no question about it,flying is a great way to get around, and the old adage is true, youre saferin a plane than you are in the car that got you to the airport. But don t putyour seat back just yet, because there are health concerns you should beaware of when you fly. It doesnt matter if youre making a once a year trip to see grandma,or if you are the most frequent of flyers...flying affects your body in anumber of ways. And unless you have wings and feathers, you better beready for some changes, or else your body may end up paying the price. Dr. Craig Senders, of the UC Davis Medical Center, spends a lot oftime traveling to keep up with the latest medical information. This "flyingphysicians" advice comes not only from his medical background, butfrom his experiences as a true frequent flyer. Lesson one, avoid stress atall costs. Craig Senders:"To the degree that we can avoid stress, that s good forour health. If you are a seasoned traveler its not a big deal, but if youtravel once a year, or once every 5 years, you want to do everything youcan to make that a non stressful event." P64