Windows Vista与家庭网络构建
第1版 (2008年10月1日)
保罗尔 (Joli Ballew)
《Windows Vista与家庭网络构建》帮助您轻松实现家庭网络构建——架设、保护以及运行。 轻轻松松把您的家“连接”起来!这本直接明了的手册将给您在Windows Vista下构建网络的最基础技巧,给出最直接简单的步骤和大量的图示来帮助您独自完成,在您最需要的时候提供快速参考。对于帮助您构建家庭网络,并保持良好的运行,没有比这本手册更完美的伙伴了!
作者:(美国)保罗尔 (Joli Ballew) Joli Ballew ,MicrosoftMVP for Windows is awriter trainer and digitamediaexpert shes theauthor of several popular booksincluding Microsoft Windows XP DoAmazing and BreakthroughWsndows Vista Find your FavoriteFeature and Discover the PossbflihesShe also Writes columns aboutWindows XP and Wjndows Vinafor
IntroductionPart Ⅰ Chapter 1 Introduction to NetworkingWhat Windows Vista OffersWhy You Need a NetworkTypes of Network ConfigurationsTypes of Network HardwareAdditional Network Terms to KnowChapter SummaryChapter 2 Get Ready!Configure Your Windows Vista-Based PCConfigure Windows FirewallConfigure Windows DefenderChapter SummaryPart ⅡChapter 3 The Direct Connection NetworkCreate Workgroup NamesPhysically Connect the Two PCsTurn On Network Discovery on the Windows Vista-Based PCShare the Host's Internet ConnectionAdd a Second Windows Vista-Based PCAdd a Windows XP-Based PCGet Help for Networking Older PCsChapter SummaryChapter 4 The Wired Ethernet NetworkConnect the HardwarePersonalize Your NetworkAdd PCsChapter SummaryChapter 5 The Wireless NetworkGet Started with Wireless NetworkingConnect the HardwareAdd a Windows Vista-Based PCChapter SummaryChapter 6 The Network and Sharing CenterSet Up Your Network LocationsConfigure Network DiscoveryShare FilesShare the Public FolderShare PrintersUse Password ProtectionShare MediaView Computers and DevicesChapter SummaryPart ⅢChapter 7 Create User Accounts and Set Parental ControlsUnderstand User Accounts on the Single PCUnderstand User Accounts on the Networked PCUnderstand Types of AccountsCreate a User Account with a PasswordSet Advanced Account PropertiesSet Parental ControlsView Parental Control ReportsChapter SummaryChapter 8 Configure and Manage Shared FoldersCreate Your Own Shared FoldersUnderstand Default PermissionsUnderstand Security PermissionsAccess Shared Folders from a Windows Vista-Based PCAccess Shared Folders from a Windows XP-Based PCChapter SummaryChapter 9 Turn On and Manage Printer SharingShare a Printer with the Windows Vista Operating SystemAdd DriversSet Security PermissionsConfigure Advanced Printer SettingsAccess a Local PrinterAdd a Shared Printer Connected to Another PCChapter SummaryPart ⅣChapter 10 Create a Windows Home ServerUnderstand What Windows Home Server OffersKnow the System RequirementsRun Windows Home Server SetupTroubleshootConfigure Windows Home Server SettingsManage Windows Home ServerConfigure the Backup SettingsConfigure the Windows Home Server SettingsView the Home Network HealthExplore Additional FeaturesChapter SummaryChapter 11 Work with Offline FilesUnderstand Offline FilesTurn On the Offline Files FeatureSelect Offline FilesWork OfflineLearn About Sync Center and SynchronizationUse Sync Center and Offline FilesCreate a Sync PartnershipChapter SummaryChapter 12 Add an Xbox 360Opt for the XboxMeet Network RequirementsConnect the Xbox 360 to the NetworkConfigure the Xbox 360Configure the Windows Vista-Based PCUnderstand What Media Can Be SharedChapter SummaryChapter 13 Access a Network RemotelyKnow the System and Network RequirementsCreate a Virtual Private NetworkSet Up the Host PCMake the ConnectionConfigure Additional SettingsChapter SummaryChapter 14 Maintain a Healthy NetworkUse Windows Security CenterProtect Your Computer from VirusesWork with User Account ControlUse Windows UpdateUse Windows DefenderUse Windows FirewallUse Windows Backup and Restore CenterTake Care of Your HardwareChapter SummaryPart ⅤAppendixGlossaryIndex
插图: CONFIGURE WINDOWS DEFENDERYou can configure several options in Windows Defender, including when and how toscan for harmful software and what to do with quarantined items. For the most part,the defaults are probably fine; however, it never hurts to browse through the optionsto become familiar with what's available.CONFIGURE TOOLSTools is an option in Windows Defender and, when selected, offers the choicesshown in Figure 2-7. Each option is briefly detailed next.Figure 2-7 Use Tools and Settings to configure how, when, where, and why WindowsDefender functions.Options Here you can set up automatic scanning and configure the frequency,time, and type of scan (quick or full). You can also choose to look for updated definitions prior to scanning and apply default actions to items detected dur ing a scan. Also available are options to configure default actions of your own.
《Windows Vista与家庭网络构建》特色:CONNECT your home the easy way!This straightforward book guides you th rough the basics of setting up a simple network for your Windows Vista-based PCs.It's loaded with easy。to。follow procedures and plenty of screen shots t0 help you do it yourself without the hassle.Organized for quick reference when you need it,thisis the perfect resource to help you get you r home network running——and keep it running smoothly!Discover how to:Set up the right netwo rk fo r you r home wired,WI reless,remote Sha re and share alIke:Inte rnet connections,digital media,p rinte rs,and mo re!C reate u set accounts and set pa rentaI control S fo r family computing with peace of mind Lock the deadbolt——set up secu rity featu res to help keep you r PCs healthy Set up Windows。Home Serve r fo r simplified data sto rage,backup,and recove ry Troubleshoot commort issues and perform easy network maintenanceJoli Ballew Microsoft MVP for Windows is a writer trainer and digitamediaexpert shes theauthor of several popular books including Microsoft Windows XP Do Amazing and BreakthroughWsndows Vista Find your Favorite Feature and Discover the Poss bflihesShe also Writes columns about Windows XP and Windows Vinafor