张娟,王小梅 编
UNIT 1 clothesUNIT 2 figure, featureUNIT 3 behaviour & body movementUNIT 4 presenting an argumentUNIT 5 logicUNIT 6 reasoningUNIT 7 languageUNIT 8 custom, fashion, craftsmanshipUNIT 9 religionUNIT 10 literatureUNIT 11 diagramsUNIT 12 changesUNIT 13 teaching & learningUNIT 14 researchUNIT 15 meetings & speechUNIT 16 schoolUNIT 17 environmental protectionUNIT 18 cooking & appetiteUNIT 19 geographyUNIT 20 weatherUNIT 21 nationsUNIT 22 rivers and oceansUNIT 23 hospitalUNIT 24 symptomUNIT 25 remedyUNIT 26 historyUNIT 27 entertainmentUNIT 28 sportsUNIT 29 shoppingUNIT 30 housesUNIT 31 morals and lawsUNIT 32 crime & punishmentUNIT 33 courtUNIT 34 mails & telephoneUNIT 35 algebraUNIT 36 geometryUNIT 37 money & financeUNIT 38 tradeUNIT 39 banking systemUNIT 40 biological conceptsUNIT 41 agricultureUNIT 42 relationshipsUNIT 43 family livesUNIT 44 psychologyUNIT 45 character & personalityUNIT 46 feelings & emotionsUNIT 47 belief&attitudeUNIT 48 thoughts & communicationUNIT 49 success & failureUNIT 50 life & deathUNIT 51 politics & electionUNIT 52 social welfareUNIT 53 governmentUNIT 54 news reportUNIT 55 advertisingUNIT 56 movies & censorshipUNIT 57 publishingUNIT 58 computer & internetUNIT 59 How do thing work?UNIT 60 mechanicsUNIT 61 sound & lightUNIT 62 space & timeUNIT 63 shape & featureUNIT 64 measurementUNIT 65 movement & speedUNIT 66 social conflictsUNIT 67 military conflictsUNIT 68 negotiationUNIT 69 architecture & musicUNIT 70 performance & visual artsUNIT 71 location & directionUNIT 72 arrangementUNIT 73 traffic & transportationUNIT 74 natural sceneUNIT 75 job & professionalsUNIT 76 stress & pressureUNIT 77 career & corporationIndex
全面、轻松、有效地记单词。《IELTS词汇王》附带价值18元的词汇测试程序。记单词的完美组合。 单词书,记单词,更全面;MP3读音,记单词,更轻松;测试光盘,记单词,更有效。 早晨看书背+白天有空听+晚上自测练+日积月累=词汇王