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《纺、织、染专业英语》是供已学完基础英语、掌握了一定数量的常用词汇和基本语法、在中等纺织专业学校纺、织、染专业学习的人使用的专业英语教科书,旨在培养读者对专业英语书刊的阅读能力。此外,亦可供纺织、印染厂技术人员和技术工人参考。本教材曾在浙江省纺织工业学校试用。1984年和1986年曾两次修订。1987年再次作了修订。 全书共有课文22篇,课外阅读材料23篇,补充读物7篇。内容包括纺织原料,纺、织、染工艺以及相应的机械设备。第1-3课介绍纺织工业发展概况和纺织纤维,第4~9课讲棉纺工艺,第10~15课讲机织工艺,第16-22课讲染整工艺。每课的编排顺序为课文、词汇表、常用词组和短语、课文注释、课后练习和阅读材料。学完全书约需90学时。每篇课文约需4学时,包括词汇教学、课文难句分析、语法加深部分讲解、英译汉方法介绍、学生作业指导和总结讲评等。通读全书,有助于学生了解纺、织、染生产的全过程,拓宽专业知识面,增强工作适应能力。各校也可按专业不同情况,选读与本专业关系较密切的部分,其余鼓励学生自学。 每篇课文后均附有阅读材料,题材和课文相近,难度稍大,可作为学生课外阅读、翻译练习之用,以加强实践训练。作为学生课外阅读、翻译练习之用,以加强实践训练。
《纺织染专业英语(第2版)》共有英语课文30篇、英语课外阅读材料36篇、补充阅读材料1篇,并附有参考译文、练习答案、科技英语英译汉方法介绍及国外检索工具简介。内容包括纺织原料、纺织染工艺原理及设备、三废处理、质量控制、机电一体化的新型纺织染设备及外贸基础知识。每课包括课文、词汇表、常用词组和短语、课文注释、课后练习及阅读材料。 《纺织染专业英语(第2版)》是中等纺织专业学校纺织染专业学生使用的专业英语教科书,也可供纺织及印染厂技术人员和技术工人参考。
Lesson OneText : TextilesExercisesReading Material: Our Textile Industry Is Marching on ContinuouslyLesson TwoText: Textile FibersExercisesReading Material: Fiber PropertiesLesson ThreeText: BlendsExercisesReading Material: Physical Properties of CottonRevision Exercises (1)Lesson FourText: Conventional Spinning (1)ExercisesReading Material: Non-Lap Card FeederLesson FiveText: Conventional Spinning (2)ExercisesReading Material: ( I ) New Methods of Making Yarns( lI ) The Open-End SpinningLesson SixText: Opening and Cleaning ProcessesExercisesReading Material: Automatic Bale Breaker (Plucker)Revision Exercises (2)Lesson SevenText: The Carding Machine and the Drawing FrameExercisesReading Material: AutolevellerLesson EightText: RovingExercisesReading Material: Ring Can-Ring SpinningDirectly from SliverLesson NineText : Spinning FramesExercisesReading Material: Automation in the Textile lantRevision Exercises (3)Lesson TenText: Preparation for WeavingExercisesReading Material: ( I ) Sizing Machine with MuhiCylinder DrierLesson ElevenText: WeangMotionsExercisesReading MateriglFancy PattevnLesson TwelveText: The LoomExercisesReading Material : Weaving Automation anff Quality FactorRevision Exercises (4)Lesson ThirteenText: Shuttleless Looms (1)ExercisesReading Material: ( I ) Shuttleless Looms(2)(II ) GA731 Flexible RapieroomLesson FourteenText: Weaves and Variations in Woven ConstructionExercisesReading Material: ( I ) Count of Cloth(II) Fabric Construction:ProcessesLesson FifteenText: Nonwoven FabricsExercisesReading Material: ( I ) Production Processes ofNonwovens( 11 ) Needle PunchingRevision Exercises ($)Lesson SixteenText: Single-Stage Scouring-BleachingTechnologyExercisesReading Material: Sur/actantsLesson SeventeenText: MercerizationExercisesReading Material: Degumming of SilkLesson EighteenText: Heat SettingExercises:Reading Material: Stone WashLesson NineteenText: Textile Dyeing Processes (1)ExercisesReading Material: Classification of DyestuffsLesson TwentyText: Textile Dyeing Processes (2)ExercisesReading Material: Wool Dyeing with Reactive
Our Textile Industry Is Marching on Continuously Before liberation, the textile industry of our country was very backward. Textile machines, even some materials, had to be imported from abroad. Since the founding of New China, especially since 1979, we have made greater achievements in this branch 0f industry. A large number of cotton mills, printfaetorle, arid texti; Ie machinery plants have ting and dyeing been built one after another all over the country. Modern and excellent machines such as spinning frames, automatic or shuttless looms, rotary screen printing machines and the others have been made to meet the demands of the rapid development of the four modernizations. Now the textile industry has become one of the largest industries in China. Its products have got vast markets both at home and abroad. China s textile industry output in the first half of 1992 was valued at 114billion Yuan (US $22.12 billion), with business reezrrding-records pre-,tax profits of 1.54 billion Yuan (US $ 299 million) despite a trend towards higher raw material prices and short supplies. We are sure that the textile industry will make still greater contributions to our socialist motherland and the world. The achievements that we have made are marvellous indeed, but compared with developed countries products, we still have a tong way to go. Therefore science and technology must be developed so as to catch up with the advanced world level.