伏宏彬 编
本书是针对染整技术专业学生学习和使用英语的需要而编写的,内容基本覆盖了染整专业技术的各个方面。全书共分六章:第一章着重介绍纤维的理化性质,并对纱、织物的组成和特点作了简介;第二章为前处理工艺内容,涉及准备、烧毛、退浆、煮练、漂白、热定形和丝光;第三章为染色,内容涉及染料的种类、性质、染色设备和各种织物的染色工艺;第四章为印花,介绍各种常见的印花方法和方式;第五章为后整理,对机械、化学以及特殊整理工艺进行介绍;第六章为印染织物测试,分别介绍前处理、染色和印花织物的质量要求和测试方法。另外,在附录部分收入了一些印染专业英文术语,并附有详细的英文释义,便于读者准确理解词汇,作为资料备查。 本教材适合高职高专染整技术专业的学生使用,也可供从事染整技术工作的人员学习和参考。
Chapter 1 Fibre, Yarn and Fabric 1.1 Text:What is a fibre Reading material:Fine structure of fibre 1.2 Text:Natural cellulosic fibres Reading material:Degradation of cellulose 1.3 Text:Natural protein fibres Reading material:Wool farming 1.4 Text:Regenerated fibres Reading material:Tencel 1.5 Text:Synthetic fibres Reading material:Fibre lustre 1.6 Text:Yarn and fabric Reading material:Primary and secondary motions of loonChapter 2 Pre-treatment Processes of Textiles 2.1 Text:Preparations before wet pre-treatment Reading material:Water and textile processing 2.2 Text:Desizing Reading material:Size reclamation 2.3 Text:Scouring Reading material:Special scouring processes 2.4 Text:Bleaching Reading material:Surfactants 2.5 Text:Mercerizing Reading material:Degumming of silk 2.6 Text. Heat setting Reading material:Heat-setting and steam-setting of nylonChapter 3 Dyeing of Textiles 3.1 Text:Introduction to dyeing Reading material:Dyeing equilibrium 3.2 Text:Classification of dyes Reading material:Attributes of colour 3.3 Text:Dyeing machines Reading material:Pad dyeing machine 3.4 Text:Dyeing of cellulose fabric Reading material:Structure of cotton in relation to dyeing 3.5 Text:Dyeing of protein fabric Reading material:Colour kitchens 3.6 Text:Dyeing of polyester fabric Reading material:Colour matching in textile 3.7 Text:Dyeing of polyacrylic textiles Reading material:Action of auxiliariesChapter 4 Printing of Textiles 4.1 Text:Introduction to printing Reading material:Preparation of the fabric for printing 4.2 Text:Roller printing Reading material:Ingredients of printing paste 4.3 Text:Screen printing Reading material:Preparation of screen 4.4 Text. Transfer printing Reading material:Other special printing techniques 4.5 Text:Direct printing with dyes Reading material:Thickener 4.6 Text:Direct printing with pigments Reading material:Designs 4.7 Text:Discharge and resist printing Reading material:Post-print processesChapter 5 Finishing of Textiles 5.1 Text.Introduction to finishing Reading material:Shrinkage control for wool 5.2 Text:Mechanical finishes Reading material:Sueding or emerising 5.3 Text. Application of resin for finishing Reading material:Dimethyloldihydroxyethylene-urea 5.4 Text:Water proofing and water repellent finishes Reading material:Weighting of silk 5.5 Text:Flame retardant finish Reading material:Shiffon finish 5.6 Text:Other special finishes Reading material:Enzyme finishingChapter 6 Textile Testing 6.1 Text:Introduction to textile testing Reading material:Terms used in sampling 6.2 Text:Testing of pre-treated fabric Reading material:Precision and accuracy 6.3 Text:Measurement of coloured fabric Reading material:Use of the grey scales 6.4 Text:Measurement of finished fabric Reading material:Systematic error and random errorAppendix 1 Key Terms in Dyeing and FinishingAppendix 2 VocabularyAppendix 3 Phrases and Expressions
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