王长喜 编
四级阅读在变难今年,四级考试结束后,我们对北京、西安、上海、武汉十几所高校的考生做了一次访谈,很多人反映,阅读题目有点难。首先,题型不适应。试卷上三种不同的题型,他们感觉有些茫然,不得要领,每个题型怎么应对、怎么做题,都感觉没有章法。其次,时间不够用。考前也做了不少练习题,感觉速度还可以,可一上场,一下显得捉襟见肘,速度慢了,时间紧张得不行。考生感觉阅读题目有点难,四、六级考试委员会一项内部阅卷统计也印证了这一点——阅读部分标准得分平均不到150分。复习得法是关键我们分析认为,考生考场上感觉阅读难、不适应,可能主要有如下的原因。1.题型不熟悉 不同的阅读题型,有着不同的考查倾向、不同的能力要求、不同的设题特点、不同的做题方法。对各个题型不熟悉、不理解,复习中就不能针对练习、针对提高,形成一套有针对性的解题思路,考场上,也就不能做到不同题型、不同应对、有章有法、胸有成竹。2.技巧没掌握 不同的阅读题型,针对该题型的设题特点,都有一些行之有效的阅读技巧、分析技巧、做题技巧,理解、掌握、运用这些技巧,可以给你的阅读能力锦上添花、平添双翼。相反,不熟悉这些技巧,考场上就会影响做题速度、影响做题节奏,时间会变得很紧张。3.练习不充分 不同题型做题方法的理解、领悟,不同题型做题技巧的熟练、运用,都需要在充分的练习当中去深化、去体味。同时,没有充分的练习,阅读能力也很难有一个切实的磨练和提高。所以,要想考场上对阅读轻松应对、游刃有余,需要场下对阅读有一个充分的练习。4.题目不标准 不少考生考前也做了不少的练习、不少的模拟,可到了考场上,还是感到手忙脚乱,原因在于,他们做的这些题目不标准,和真题阅读相距太远,不能真正起到练习作用。充分练习,还要标准练习,选用标准的、接近真题的阅读来练习,以真正培养考试状态。
写清结构 揭纲模式-行文思路·行文示例 优化句式 句式特点-适用语境-体验优化 设计亮点 用语贴切-全篇通达-恰当修辞 我来练练 讲后练习-改文练习-热点练习
引入篇 3点定高分 第1点 结构清晰 第2点 句式多变 第3点 出现亮点第一篇 写消楚结构 第一讲 分析原因类 第二讲 分析影响类 第三讲 分析利弊类 第四讲 分析图表类 第五讲 分析危害类 第六讲 阐述方法类 第七讲 选择立场类 第八讲 论证观点类 第九讲 叙述事件类 第十讲 应用文体类 第十一讲 驾驭专项训练第二篇 优化好句式第三篇 设计出亮点第四篇 做魔鬼训练第五篇 熟最新热点
插图:It says its six-point problem-identification guide (demands, control, support, relationships, role and change) has helped companies eliminate problems and gain higher productivity.It gives the example of a small clothing company where a "them and us" culture had developed between the machinists and the sales and marketing team and was affecting operations. Identifying the "relationship" problem led to senior members of each team meeting once a week to discuss problems and form strategies for working together. "They managed to coordinate workloads and complement each other's needs and demands," a HSE spokeswoman said.All the staff were encouraged to swap (交换) jobs for a day or two, to learn what pressures each faced. The company reported much improved flow of work and completion of projects.The executive also points to a large high street bank's call centre as the site of an easily avoidable problem with conflicting job roles.Staff were penalized if they did not take or make a certain number of calls and had time limits for each call. But they were also required to deal with calls in a thorough and helpful way. There was also a lack of support after dealing with angry customers.After a stress assessment, the time limit was removed which helped remove the pressure of difficult calls. Rooms were provided where staff could recover from difficult calls and compose themselves before talking to another customer. Staff and managers reported that these all helped to clarify roles and reduce demands on staff. The respite (暂时的休息) rooms in particular led to better job satisfaction and staff retention (保持).Mr. Lee said such business benefits can add up. Somerset County Council calculated £2 million in savings thanks to stress management, but it was the finance sector, in the HSE's 18-month program, that was showing particular interest in reducing costs through staff retention, he said. "Health is being moved up their agenda," he said. "They are realizing that if you have one person off sick because of stress at work and you don't fix the problem for that one person, in all likelihood the next person you hire will be exposed to the same problem. "
长喜阅读,文章的难度、题目的难度都和我们做的真题基本一致,感觉很标准。做了这样的阅读,到了考场上.我们就不会感到紧张、害怕,有一种平时练习的感觉。真的谢谢长喜英语。 ——天津大学 张小云长喜阅读,选的文章很标准、语体、题材、长度都和大纲上写的一样,设的题目很标准,亨深度、有考点、有逻辑,和老师讲的真题题目一样的感觉,做这样的阅读,很能锻炼我们思维。 ——复旦大学 曲一波长喜阅读,每篇文章都有全文翻译、结构剖析、难句点拨、主题词汇等,每个题目不仅有答案解析,还给出做题思路,让我们做一篇、提高一篇,对我们坚持精读、培养思路有很好帮助。 ——山东大学 许立
《大学英语4级考试巅峰阅读(第3版全新修订)》是由中国书籍出版社出版。阅读高分=70%实力+30%方法每个题型 透视选文-分析设题-点拨思路-典题演练
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