Han Shan was one of the leading poets of the Tang Dynasty,
and perhaps the most 'modern' in the remarkabte diversity of
his subject matter and the breadth of his emotional responses
to the world. He retired to Cold Mountain, took its name for his
own, and lived the life of a hermit. He left some three hundred
poems which, legend has it, friends and visitors copied from
the rocks and tree trunks on which he carved them.
He writes about life on Cold Mountain with a painter's eye
and a devotee's sense of divine meditation. He writes about his
contentment and stoic resignation, but he also writes about the
bitterness of being passed over, about sorrows that threaten
to swamp his Taoist equanimity. He writes about love and the
loss of love; he writes about his longing for friends and famity;
He writes satires about corrupt monks and court offteials. He
writes about the reclusive life and about educating the young
so that they will fulfill their roles in society. He writes about
missed opportunities and sudden, unsought enlightenment.
In short, though he adopted the life of the hermit, Han Shan
seems to have lived, however vicariously, a complete life, a
diverse emotional and intellectual life during which the quest
for his internal Buddha-nature was never quite capable of
quetling the desire for a full and rich life in the world.
Peter Stambler was born in Washington,
D.C. in 1944. He was educated at
Yale, Carnegie-Mellon, and Syracuse
universities. Winner of the Quarterly
Review of Literature's International Poetry
Prize, he has written three other volumes
of poems: Wilderness Fires (1981),
Witnesses (1983), and Unsettled
Accounts (1987). After teaching for
many years at the University of
Wisconsin-Green Bay, he now nves and
teaches in Hong Kong, where he is
professor of English and humamties at
the Hong Kong Baptist Universry.
Photo by Cheung Chan Fai
1. The Uses Of Poetry
2. Where 1 Stand Few Sounds Reach Me
3. 1 Sketch A Map In A Cup OfTea
4. Chiaroscuro
5. Indomitable
6. Futility
7. Hearing Many Voices 1 Descend Halfway
8. Lady Lu
9. Horsemanship
10. My Shoulder Bruises LJnder My Hoe
11. Reality
12. Day Labor
13. Knight Errant
14. Inwardly, My Soul Thinks OfRejoidng
15. Some Thought 1 Had Spoken OfMonks
16. 1 Do Not Answer Why 1 Stare Into Puddles
17. Carelessly, 1 Drop My Inkstone In The Pool
18. I've Scratched This Into A Neighboring Stone
19. 1 Could Wish To Be Surprised. Not Tonight
20. Clambering Down, 1 Cannot Look Back
21. Burial
22. We Come Ashore Far From Home
23. Useless, These Absent Thoughts
24. 1 Request A Bowl Of Wine, And Sullenly One Complies
25. 1 Ask The STnger, Do You Know
26. Obvious Parable
27. A Traveler Brings Messages, Waiting While 1 Read
28. 1 Considered Painting Two Flowers
29. Suddenly, One Day Is Not Like Another
30. My Feet, Too Are Calloused From The Climb
31. 1 Step Forward But Hold My Tongue
32. Winter
33. Human Nature
34. Riches
35. To A Novice
36. Far Below, Dust Rises From The Wheel Tracks
37. Rural Portrait: A Faithless Man Met A Failed Scholar Along The Way
38. They Said Passion Was A Young Man's Fault
39. The Pallbearer's Song
40. Forgiveness
41. Shall 1, Young Ones. Leave You Lessons?
42. After Fruit For Dinncr, 1 May Laugh At Myself, Mildly
43. Poetics On Cold Mountain
44. Unrolling A Scroll, 1 Find An Eyelash
45. Dreaming Of My Youth After Long Absence
46. Twigs Vibrate When They Take Flight
47. Hands
48. Conundrum
49. The Everyday World
50. Prescription
51. A Moment's Prospenty
52. 1 Find Something Interesting In The Dust
53. 1 Wash My Tablecloth In A Neighboring Stream
54. Death's Habit
55. 1 Fear 1 Do Not Know Anything
56. Clifis, Sun, And A Daylight Moon Arise
57. History
58. Dividends
59. Short Odds
60. The Mountain Path Bends Just Ahead
61. Inventory
62. Day And Night, Winter, Spring
63. 1 Find 1 Must Hold My Brush With Both Hands
64. Reaching Up, 1 Bend Down A Limb
65. In The Deep Woods, On My Hands And Knees
66. A Farmer's Cry Carries All This Distance
67. Moonlight Casts Shadows Oflts Own
68. Recognizable Portrait
69. The Moon Is Not An Emblem
70. It Is One Step To The Unknown. 1 Raise My Right Foot
71. 1 Say 1 Created Fate. Perhaps It Is Not So
72. Thinking
74. In Candlelight, One Speaks Earnestly
75. The Question Is, Who Is To Be Saved?
76. This Moming 1 Tumed Critic
77. 1 Study A Waxen Seal, Unbroken
78. One Table Leg Too Short, 1 Prise In Some Folded Leaves
79. Being Mortal, My Mind Tums To Mortality
80. 1 Spend The Moming, Pruning Knife In Hand
81. Life On A Yardstick
82. Every Moming, He Takes Breakfast With Me
83. Judging A Scroll By Its Ribbons
84. In One Glance, Embers and Constellations
85. Circles
86. Child's Play
87. Afterwards, 1 Walk Back By Starlight
88. Across The Stream, The Hills Rise Predpitously
89. 1 Stir Rice Long After My Hunger's Passed
90. Cartography
91. And In The Evening, Notable Silences
92. The Bow Line Trails Like A Snake In Calm Water
93. Seduction
94. How Dark Shadows Can Be In The Summer Aftemoon
95. I've Brought You Something
96. 1 Dig My Heels In Tighter, And Ride Past
97. The Lost Scholar
98. 1 Lift A Feather Duster, Absently
99. Just There, There Are Figures In The Moon
100. What Catches The Eye? Luminous Things
101. Gardening In Autumn
102. The Understanding Is Just Such An Expanse
103. With My Hands Dangling From My Cuffs
104. 1 Put It Most Simply
105. Undisturbed, My Heart Pounds
106. After Dinner, 1 Close My Door
107. 1 Pass Round The Cup And It Comes Back Full
108. Company
109. From A Hillside, Looking Down
110. Paying The Piper
111. Novembers, A Chill Settles At The Gate
112. Alone, 1 Study Proportion
113. But Then, He Is Somewhat Older
114. My Back Draws Heat From The Cooling Kiln
115. Audience
116. At The Cross Roads 1 Set Down My Basket
117. Alone, 1 Entertain A Delegation
118. FarOff, In The Shade
119. In Early Summer 1 Often Walk Here
120. Unbelieving, 1 Sit By A Fast Stream
121. Yet 1 Stand Mid-Stream On A Stone, Tuming Circles
122. Speaking, Say, OfCats
123. Small Comforts
124. Consequences
125. And Beyond That, Planets
126. Dialogue
127 .Rising, Early
128. 1 Follow My Finger's End Heavenward
129. My Candle Gutters In A Sudden Gust
130. Reading Aloud, 1 Find, Leavens The Mountainside
131.The Lutanist Thinks Of A River As He Plays. 1See A River
132. 1 Tell Them There Are Many Ways To Skin The Spirit
133. What 1 Find 1 Name CheerfuUy
134. Leaping Upwards, 1 Clap My Heels And Bruise Them