Chapter l A Literary Inheritance
Chapter 2 Creation
Chapter 3 The Pioneers
Chapter 4 Further Westward
Chapter 5 A Home in Egypt
Chapter 6 The Escape from Slavery
Chapter 7 Wandering in the Wilderness
Chapter 8 Finding New Pastures
Chapter 9 The Conquest of Canaan
Chapter 10 The Story of Ruth
Chapter 11 AJewish Kingdom
Chapter 12 Civil War
Chapter 13 The Waming of the Prophets
Chapter 14 Downfall and Exile
Chapter 15 The Retum Home
Chapter 16 The Miscellaneous Books
Chapter 17 The Coming of the Greeks
Chapter 18 Judaea, a Greek Province
Chapter 19 Revolution and Independence
Chapter 20 The Birth of Jesus
Chapter 21 John the Baptist
Chapter 22 The Childhood of Jesus
Chapter 23 The Disciples
Chapter 24 The New Teacher
Chapter 25 The Old Enemies
Chapter 26 The Death of Jesus
Chapter 27 The Strength of an Idea
Chapter 28 The Triumph of an Idea
Chapter 29 The Established Church
Notwithstanding these accusations of lukewarm faith,Jehoshaphat continued to be successful in everything he undertook and he died,much regretted by his subjects, in the year 850 B. C.and was buried with his fathers in the family vault in the aty of David. So much for the history of Judah during the first half of the ninth century.In Israel we shall see a very different picture. In that poor country, everything was going to rack and nun.Jezebel had established a veritable inquisition which punished with death or exile all those who refused to wor-ship the sun-god. Nothing seemed to be able to stop this wholesale and enforced conversion of an entire nation. But as always before,in the hour of need,the national conscience was stirred into action.The Prophet Elijah stepped forward and saved the peo-ple from utter degradation.We know very little about the early years of this re-markable man.He may have been a native of the land of Galilee (the home of so many of the great prophets)but this is not certain. The greater part of his younger years he spent in the wilderness of Gilead on the eastem bank of the riverjordan and his life was influenced by his physical.surroundings.He was essentially a man of the old school.He accepted Jehovah as his master without reasoning,without arguing and without questioning.He preferred the simple and uncomfortable ways of the desert to the ease of the cities.Indeed,he abhorred all cit-ies.To him they were the hotbed ofluxury and religious indifference.They tolerated and even welcomed strange gods brought thither from Phoenicia and from Egypt and from Nineveh.They were the breeding place of heresy and ought to be wiped from the face of this earth, togeth-er with most of their inhabitants. From the point of view of Ahab and Jezebel,the Proph-et Elijah was an exceedingly dangerous man.He had a sublime confidence in the righteousness of the cause which he had espoused.He was as brave as a lion.He was without a single worldly ambition.He despised personal possessions.A rough coat,made of the hairy skin of a camel,was his only garment.He ate whatever charitable people gave him.In case of extreme need, he was fed (so people told each other)by the ravens. In short,he was absolutely invulnerable, for there were no ties which bound him to this world, and death, how-ever violent,meant nothing to a man whose whole being was dedicated to the service of his God.No wonder that such a teacher made a deep impression upon his contemporanes.Elijah led a very restless life,and he had a strong sense of the dramatic.Suddenly he would appear in the market place of a distant aty.He would utter ominous words of warning.Before the people had a chance to recover from their surprise,the Prophet was gone again. A few days later, he would be seen in a different part of the country and again he would disappear as mysteriously as he had come. Until the people believed that he was possessed of some strange power, and could make himselfinvisible at will. ……
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