《高中英语好词好句好段一本通》以记叙文、描写文和议论文为主,每部分包括好词、好句、好段和仿真作文,熔趣味性、知识性和实用性于一炉,贴近学生们的学习实际和写作应用,适合诵读、欣赏和模仿。 本书的编写原则是:循序渐进,融会贯通,活学活用,逐步提高。 本书从多层面、多角度,通过大量新颖独到、原汁原味、优美经典的例子,使学生们一目了然、一学就会。 此外,本书还精心编写了贴近高考的英语常用谚语格言、英语作文经典句式、英语常用习语、英语课文经典句型和英语经典范文,使学生们能得心应手、举一反三、激情流畅、飞跃梦想。 总之,这是一本科学合理、中心突出、语言规范、常用常新的高中英语作文必备工具书。 本书在编写过程中,得到了陈小立、杜思民、张连亮、宰倩、廉凤仙、李丽枫、王艳玲、常明月、黎明春等同志的热情支持和帮助,在此深袁谢忱。
第一章 记叙篇和描写篇 好词 好句 好段 仿真作文第二章 议论篇 好词 好句 好段 仿真作文附录 一、英语常用谚语格言 二、英语作文经典句式 三、英语常用习语 四、英语课文经典句型 五、英语经典范文
The Power of a Life One afternoon a few summers ago, I had been clearing brush in the mountains for several hours and decided to reward myself with lunch. Sitting on a log, I unwrapped a sandwich and surveyed the rugged scenery. Two turbulent streams joined to form a clear, deep pool before roaring down a heavily wooded canyon. My idyll would have been perfect had it not been for a persistent bee that began buzzing around me. The bee was of the common variety that plagues picnickers. Without thinking, I brushed it away. Not the least intimidated, the bee came back and buzzed me again. Now, losing patience, I swatted the pest to the ground and crunched it into the sand with my boot. Moments later I was startled by a minor explosion of sand at my feet. My tormentor emerged with its wings buzzing furiously. This time I took no chances. I stood up and ground the insect into the sand with all my 210 pounds. Once more I sat down to my lunch. After several minutes I became aware of a slight movement near my feet. A broken but still living bee was feebly emerging from the sand. Beguiled by its survival, I leaned down to survey the damage. The right wing was relatively intact, but the left was crumpled like a piece of paper. Nevertheless, the bee kept exercising the wings slowly up and down, as though assessing the damage. It also began to groom its sand-entrusted thorax and abdomen. Next the bee turned its attention to the bent left wing, rapidly smoothing the wing by running its legs down the length. After each straightening session, the bee buzzed its wings as if to test the lift. This hopeless cripple thought is could still fly!