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  这套书最大的特点是属于教学一线骨干教师的合力之作。由北京市海淀区教师进修学校教研员领衔、10余所中学骨干教师设计、编写,系统地体现了海淀区近年来初、高中阶段英语学习与复习的最新思路。北京市海淀区从上个世纪80年代以来,基础教育一直在国内久负盛名,原因之一就是在海淀区教师进修学校的教研员们的带领下,以骨干教师为依托,系统地编写了自己的学习与复习资料,形成了独特、系统的“教”与“学”的模式,保证了多年来中、高考成绩始终处于领先地位。  怎样判断阅读理解(完形填空)练习的编写水平?  在国内目前的中、高考英语中,阅读理解(完形填空)是考查阅读能力常用的题型,同时也是分值最高的题型之一。为了保证测试成绩,海淀区的老师们采取的方法是循序渐进、持之以恒地要求学生进行系统、有效的反复训练。好的阅读理解(完形填空)首先要在材料的选择上做到题材真实、语言地道、体裁多样、难度适宜;其次,在试题设计上应科学、合理、客观,符合当今的考试趋势。  这套丛书选材有哪些特点?  这套丛书的选材主要来自三个方面:第一,海淀区教师进修学校教研员组织海淀区教师们原创的模拟试题;第二,近3—4年全国重点省(区)和市的中考、高考真题;第三,一些难度适当的“研究生入学英语考试”“大学四、六级考试”等真题。这些材料选材新颖、内容翔实、题材丰富、难度适中、针对性强,既包括了国内外时事,又包括经典名篇、文化视角、逸闻趣事等。每天一篇,一周五篇,话题均衡、全面,难度编排精当,设题符合中、高考规律,融趣味性、知识性和系统性为一体,以期科学、有效地帮助学生提高应试能力。  这套丛书适合哪个版本的教材?  这套丛书在挑选素材和设置测试点的思路上坚持以新课标和新考纲为依据,注重语言运用能力和学习策略的巩固与拓展,辅以适量拔高训练,故可适用于人教版、外研版、北师大版、冀教版、湘教版以及牛津版等多版本初、高中教材。  学生怎样才能保证文章的阅读量?  要坚持每天做一定量的题目。这一点在这套丛书中体现得很突出。编者根据实际教学课时,对每周一至周五都作了恰当的内容安排,每天一篇,保证学生能够常用常新、充分练习,实现由量的积累到质的提高之目标。


  I am one ofthe many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a。large city.I have managed to convince myself that if it weren’t for my job 1 would immediately head out for the,open spaces and go back tO nature in some sleepy village buried in the country.But how realistic (现买的)isthedream?  Cities Can be frightening places.The majority of the population live in huge tower blocks,noisy,dirty and unfriendly. The sense of belonging to a group tends tO disappear when you live fifteen floors up.Strangely enough,nowadays people on the same floor dont even say hello to each OmeL  Country life,on the other hand,differs in that.a sense of group generallyunitesthepeopleofsmallvillagestogether.Peoplehavethe advantage ofknowing that there is always someone to turn to when they need help.But it is also trae that you ale cut off from the exciting andimportanteventsthattakeplacein cities.Shopping becomes a rnajorproblem,andfor anything slightly out ofthe ordinary you have tO gO on a trip to the nearest large town.nle city peopleareoftenworriedbya senseofunbearable stillnessandquiet.  What,then,is the answer?The country has the advantage of peace and quiet,but Suffers from the disadvantage of being cut off.The city raises a feeling of loneliness.and constant noise beats the senses.But you are at the centre of things。and that life doesn’t come to an end at half-past nine at night.Some people have found or rather bought a solution between the two:they have expressed their preference for the"quiet life”by leaving the cities and moving to villages within commuting(通勤)distance of large cities.  Ⅵ,hat then of my dream?I’m eager for the idea.but you see there’S my cat.Toby.I’m not at all sure that he would take tO a11 tllat flesh air and exercise in the long grass.I mean. can you see him mixing with all those energetic males down the farm?No.he WOuld rather havethe electricfireany evening.


  ◆名师主笔,专家审稿◆  本套丛书由海淀教师进修学校教研员领衔,海淀十余所名校名师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。  ◆设计新颖,操作灵活◆  本套丛书内容按周次设计,既有利于教师课堂定时检测.又适合学生同步自测,操作灵活方便、节时高效。  ◆同步性好,适用性广◆  本套丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据编写,适用于各种版本教材。  ◆选材新颖,题材丰富◆  所收短文选材真实,题材丰富,内容翔实,涵盖面广,符合学生的兴趣爱好融趣味性和知识性于一体。  ◆难度适中,考点明确◆  全书试题难度循序渐进,包括当前中、高考的各种题型及创新型题型。




高考-快捷英语周周练-阅读理解(活页卷) PDF格式下载
