郭增才 编
本书特色:理念科学:本套丛书在编写过程中,特别融入了“特训”与“限时”的理念,习题的数量与质量完全符合特训要求,适合特定时间段内进行强化训练与重点突破。高度仿真:试题难易比例与考点分布完全贴近高考命题要求,并注明限定时间,每一套练习均要求考生在高考规定时间内完成,全真模拟训练为日后迎战高考打下坚实的基础。 试题全新:精编试题,考点全面;创新试题具有预测功能与前瞻性,虽不是真题,但实为在近年的真题题型中融入了名校名师对考试趋势的真知灼见。
第一部分 阅读理解 特训1 特训2 特训3 特训4 特训5 特训6 特训7 特训8 特训9 特训10 特训11 特训12 特训13 特训14 特训15 特训16 特训17 特训18 特训19 特训20第二部分 任务型阅读 特训21 特训22 特训23 特训24 特训25第三部分 真题回顾 1 名人风采 2 环境保护 3 科普知识 4 文化传统 5 安全知识 6 人间真情附录 答案及解析
I hurried into the local department store to buy some Christmas gifts for my little daughter. I saw alittle boy about five holding a lovely doll He kept touching her hair and he held her sogently. I just kept looking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and he called his aunt by name and said, Are you sure I dont have enough money? She replied a bit impatiently You know that you dont have enough money for it The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere because she had to get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. And then she left. The boy continued to hold the doll.