教学目的 本书是一本重点讲解常用高频词汇的教程,旨在通过18堂课特训(大量的阅读材料和精心设计的练习),帮助读者掌握流畅阅读所必需的基本词汇和基本的思考与学习技能。 适用对象 本书适合有一定基础的英语读者。书中假定读者掌握基本的英语语言结构和最常用的词汇,如wait,close,stop,beautiful等;讲解诸如share,trust,waste,struggle,reach,neighbor,instead,however等词汇;重点讲述英语单词的构词法,使学生能够举一反三,触类旁通。本书的内容比较有趣,生活气息较浓,单词量不大,因而高中生、有一定基础的英语爱好者、大学低年级学生均可阅读本书。 内容简介 LeadStory 本书的内容分六个单元,每个单元又分三个部分。每部分的前面都有一张插图和一些预习题,以激发起学生阅读的兴趣,唤起他们已有的相关知识。 每部分前的引导性故事反映了来自不同文化和国家的独身者或夫妇来美国后所面临的日常问题、进展、希望和担心。一个单元中的三个故事是有关同一个人或同一对夫妇的。 故事后面是一些阅读理解题。有些问题已经超过了故事本身,要求读者由故事中的事实做些推论和判断。
本书以连续的故事线索向读者展示了来自不同文化背景的人在美国的生活情况。编写本教材的主要意图是帮助读者掌握使用频繁、难度不大的单词。 书中的内容由六个相关主题连缀起来,紧紧吸引读者的兴趣。依照循序渐近的规律,单词频繁地使用,不断地循环再现。练习丰富且配有答案,学习使用起来非常方便。 本书适合大中专院校的学生和英语业余爱好者。
一个年轻女人 远在他乡 一条狗与一个男朋友 晚餐吃鱼 第一单元单词复习一对年轻的夫妇 分担家务 紧急将小孩送医院治疗 雪弗兰、福特、本田 第二单元单词复习两个年轻人 工作与游泳 打猎 一场激烈的争论 第三单元单词复习来自哥伦比亚的新居民 苦苦谋生 一个梦想 一次拜访 第四单元单词复习来自意大利的新居民 足球迷 一次事故 一天一包 第五单元单词复习妇女的新工作 一位警官 救命! 许多勇气 第六单元单词复习复习测验 课文参考答案复习测验参考答案
Connie is a cautious driver and never drives too fast. She loves to drive.However, she had an accident while she was driving back to her cousins houseafter the soccer game. Mario, her cousins, and the children were talking about thegame and how well Lou played. Everyone was having a good time when Conniestopped at a red light on Route 46.Suddenly a big black Buick crashed into the back of their car. The driver hadbeen drinking and was driving 70 miles an hour. He attempted to stop, but hereacted slowly and it was too late. After the crash the children began to cry andConnie felt weak. Forttmately, everyone in both cars was wearing seat belts, and noone was hurt.Connie parked on the side of the highway, and everyone got out of the car. Sheasked the man for his license and registration and gave him hers. She could smellthe liquor on his breath. While she was talking to him, one of her cousins hurriedto a nearby diner and called the police.They came in five minutes. They questioned Connie and the other driver andquickly discovered that he was drtmk. He could hardly walk or talk. The accidentwas obviously his fault, so he couldnt blame Connie. The police wrote an accidentreport and called a taxi to take the other driver home. He was too drunk to drive.The back of Connie and Marios car was badly damaged. Of course, the othermans insurance company will have to pay for it. The damage to the Buick wasslight because it was bigger and heavier. Connie was a little hesitant to drive, but shefelt okay, so she got in the car and drove back to her cousins.They couldnt drive the car back to Chicago the way it was, so they brought it toa repair shop early the next day. The mechanic examined it and said it would cost$2,000 and take two days to repair. "But we want to start back to Chicago tonight,"Connie reminded Mario. He said, "I know, but two more days in New Jersey wontkill us. Be grateful that no one was hurt.
英文原版 超值享受 时下最经济的 海外语言大餐 国外语言大师的任务引导式教程 最实用的词汇特训书 分解式阅读特训基地 本书特色: 由美国著名专家编写一介绍科学的阅读和单词学习方法。 全英文浸泡式学习一每篇阅读材料都重点学习8个新单词,阅读材料的后面附有袖珍词典、单词英文释义和例旬。 构词法的学习一读者不仅能学习新单词,还能触类旁通识别或猜觎9相关词汇。 海量的课后练习、单元检测及配套答案,读者可随时检验学习效果。 适用对象: 大中专院校师生 自学考试族 有一定基础的英语学习者