英语学习是通过整合、加工和处理语言信息的过程来实现的。阅读和听力是人们接受语言信息的重要途径,而良好的听力水平是人们语言交际的重要前提。在实际生活中,由于语言学习者往往无法控制所听语言材料的语速、语言清晰度以及说话人的言语表达特点,因此,对于一些语言学习者来说,要做到在有限的时间内准确地理解并掌握说话人的意思是一项具有相当难度的学习任务。听的能力不仅与听的技巧及其熟练程度直接相关,而且与听者的说、读、写的语言能力、文化知识以及思维能力等都有密切的关系。提高听力的过程是-个不断掌握技巧、丰富社会文化背景知识,同时锻炼分析归纳能力、推理判断能力的综合性训练和实践过程。在各种各样的听力素材中,英语新闻因为其内容广泛、难度层次明晰、发音标准等特点,而受到广大英语学习者和爱好者的喜爱,收听英语新闻是提高听力能力的-个重要手段。 练好英语听力,其实并无捷径可走,只有经常听、反复听。《新闻英语听力大突破》正是为迎合广大英语学习者和爱好者的这种需要而特别奉献,其核心就是突破、突破、再突破。本套丛书所有听力内容素材均来自于国外著名电台、电视台的每日新闻播报和英语学习栏目,新闻内容涉及政治、经济、娱乐、体育、科技等方面,篇幅长短适中,鲜活生动、丰富有趣。丛书的语音文件均来自著名电台或电视广播的原汁原味的新闻报道,让您在锻炼听力的同时,还可以领略世界的精彩,了解国际上发生的重大事件,紧跟时代脉搏。
本书将收听和阅读融为一体,内容新颖。本书选取娱乐热点、文化名流、教育就业等众多热点话题,新鲜生动地展现西方文化的切面;附带的语音素材均为近年来主要英语国家各大新闻媒体,如BBC,VOA,CNN等公开播放的内容。本书融合了新闻性和娱乐性,为英语学习者和爱好者练习听力、感受英美文化,提供了一种集科学性、趣味性为一体的学习方式。 本书适合语言学习者作为提高听力、锻炼听力的必备书,也可作为在校大学生的听力素材参考书。
丛书序前言News Item 0ne:The K|te Runner Runs into Troubles 《追风筝的孩子》碰上麻烦News Item Tw0:Harry PottenThe Box-office Magic 《哈利·波特》的票房魔力News Item Three:Across the Universe 穿越苍穹News Item Four:West Side Story 50 Anniversary 《西区故事》盛演50年News Item Five:The Charming Movie Music 电影音乐的无穷魅力News Item Six:London FIIm Festival 万众期待伦敦电影节News Item Seven:Smooth Jazz Rock and Roll “滑顺爵士”轻摇滚News Item Eight:Welcome to Proms Concerts 欢迎来到逍遥音乐会News Item Nine:Spice Giris:We are Back 辣妹组合重返巡演News Item Ten:Bands GO Popular Via Internet 网络歌手走红News Item Eleven:Music Marathon 音乐马拉松News Item Twelve:An’American IdolReleases Major Debut “美国快男”专辑首发News Item Thirteen:Powerful Internet 互联网力量大News Item Fourteen:Music Sci-Fi Museum in Seattle 科幻影音博物馆News Item Fifteen:Encompassing the Globe 葡萄牙探险展News Item Sixteen:Experience Medieval Europe 感受欧洲中世纪News Item Seventeen:Bald,Bold and Blue 个性独乐乐News Item Eighteen:AI Gore Receives Nobel Peace Prize 阿尔·戈尔获诺贝尔和平奖News Item Nineteen:The Queen’s Diamond Anniversary 英国女王的钻石婚姻News Item Twenty:Diana’s Anniversary 纪念戴安娜王妃逝世10周年News Item Twenty-One:The Beautiful Voice is Silent 别了,永远的帕瓦罗蒂News Item Twenty-Two:The author of The Naked andthe Deadis dead 美国文学巨人陨落News Item Twenty-Three:As l Am 艾莉西亚·凯斯找回自我News Item Twenty-Four:The Gift From Yoko Ono 用音乐寻找和平News Item Twenty-Five:Jet Li 功夫巨星李连杰News Item Twenty-Six:Dream Comes True 梦想成真News Item Twenty-Seven:Around the World in 13 years 13年环游全世界News Item Twenty-Eight:Fashion Icon Beckham 时尚小贝News Item Twenty-Nine:Snooker Legend Ding 丁俊晖传奇News Item Thirty:The King of Information Empire 掌管信息王国News Item Thirty-One:Bluegrass Music Awards 蓝草音乐奖花落谁家News Item Thirty-Two:What Jane Austen Looks Like? 争议简·奥斯汀的容颜News Item Thirty-Three:Rediscover Vincent van Gogh 重新发现文森特·梵高News Item Thirty-Four:He Do Have A Famous Father 自己闯未来News Item Thirty-Five:Nora Jones 诺拉·琼斯News Item Thirty-Six:Jazz Bridges Different Cultures 爵士乐之桥News Item Thirty-Seven:Do You Know Beach Boys? 沙滩男孩的音乐News Item Thirty-Eight:Doris Wins Nobel Prize in Literature 多丽丝获诺贝尔文学奖News Item Thirty-Nine:Those Passed Away in 2007 2007辞世名人News Item Forty:Learning Mandarin in Britain 汉语普通话成英国必修课News Item Forty-One:Foreign Language Matters 外语敲门砖News Item Forty-Two:All Pain No Gain 干军万马过独木桥News Item Forty-Three:New Online Business School 网上商学院News Item Forty-Four:Chess Team is Key to Success 棋开得胜News Item Forty-Five:Students’Design Expo 学生设计面向未来News Item Forty-Six:Development on Global Education 全球教育发展不平衡News Item Forty-Seven:Exchange Students 国际交换生News Item Forty-Eight:Studying In UK 英国留学剪影News Item Forty-Nine:Green Campus 节能环保绿色校园News Item Fifry:Independent Student Newspaper 独立的学生报纸News Item Fifty-One:Go to American Business School 向美国商学院出发News Item Fifty-Two:Personal Finance Education 理财教育:你不理财财不理你News Item Fifry-Three:Internet Helps Student Cheat? 网络抄袭令人担忧News Item Fifty-Four:Underpaid Teacher 低收入教师的烦恼News Item Fifty-Five:Movie about Teacher’s Life 银幕上的教师生活News Item Fifty-Six:Dance Company in Profit 舞出我天地News Item Fifty-Seven:Volunteers Make Difference 我志愿捞决乐News Item Fifty-Eight:Stress Can Kill You 职场压力夺人性命News Item Fifty-Nine:Fisherman and Writer 渔妇作家News Item Sixty:Explore New Careers 业余去兼职
One of the biggest new bands in the UK at the moment is Arctic Monkeys.Their first two singles went straight to number one in the charts and their debutalbum "Whatever People Say I Am, Thats What Im Not" has become arecord-breaking album. Its the fastest-selling debut album in UK chart history. Arctic Monkeys are not only high-profile because of their massivesuccess. They achieved their success thanks to the Internet. Usually a new bandsigns to a record company and it is through marketing and promotion thatpeople then buy singles. The single sales then get the band into the charts andthey become popular that way. However, Arctic Monkeys became well-known in a slightly different way.Back in 2003 when the band first started, they handed out CDs at their gigs.Certain fans liked the music so much that they put the music up on the web.The general public gained access to this music because it was on the Internetand, because people liked the music, the bands popularity increased. The bands popularity was starting to get noticed by major radio stations inthe UK. When the band appeared at two major UK music festivals in thesummer of 2005, they were quite low down in the billing. However, anunusually large crowd turned up because music fans knew the bands musicfrom the Intemet. Arctic Monkeys released their first single in October 2005. Previous tothat, their music had only been available to download on the Intemet. Whenthey did finally release a single and an album, they both shot to the top of thecharts. Music fans welcome the use of the Intemet this way -- Arctic Monkeys became popular simply because people liked their music when they heard it. There was no hype and no marketing campaign. Many people are saying this is a taste of things to come. As music downloads continue to increase in popularity, we can expect to see more and more bands make it big in this way.