王烨,赵立洁,等 编
《新概念英语》在当今的英语图书市场影响很大,成为一套风靡全球的经典英语教程。它不仅受到世界各地英语学习者的青睐,而且在中国的英语学习者中赢得了无可比拟的盛誉。1997年推出的《新概念英语》(新版)教程,更加注重对学生英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能的培养,更加符合中国英语学习者的认识特点和学习习惯。 很多人在学习新概念英语的同时,也期待能有一套同步辅导书帮助他们更好地理解掌握新概念英语书中的内容。因此本套丛书也就应运而生了。 口语是衡量学生英语语言运用水平的主要标志之一,也是中国学生在学习中最容易忽视的部分,它在整个英语学习的过程中应占有特别重要的位置。 本书正是基于这种理念,根据《新概念英语》课文的难易程度编排相应的口语材料,所选材料涉及各个领域,同时提供大量精选短文和配套练习。它的最大特点是能够把课文经典句式、课外练习材料与重点口语词汇融合在一起,使学习者在提高口语能力的同时掌握更多、更全面的知识。 本书萃取符合学习者心理特点和逻辑思维方式的相关文章,题材广泛,篇幅适中,极富启发性,它的核心点为强化训练,具体来说,本书对应新概念每一课分为以下三个模块。
《新概念英语(3)流利口语步步为赢》从学习者的需要出发,分为“你必须背诵的”、“你一定熟读的”、“你最好掌握的”三大板块。让读者在立足课内学习和研读的基础上,自然而然地拓展到课外的“优美的散文诗歌”和“名人的演讲”的学习和赏析.大大丰富了英语学习的内涵,有助于提升学习口语的感知力和领悟力,进而获得英语口语学习的真知。 《新概念英语(3)流利口语步步为赢》可读性强,对于广大英语学习者而言,是一本必不可少的自修读本。
前言Lesson 1 A puma at largeLesson 2 Thirteen equals oneLesson 3 An unknown goddessLesson 4 The double l ife Of Alfred BIoggsLesson 5 The factsLesson 6 Smash-and-grabLesson 7 Mutilated ladiesLesson 8 A famous monasteryLesson 9 Flying catsLesson 10 The IOSS Of the 7-itanicLesson 11 Not guiltyLesson 12 Life on a deserl islandLesson 13 “Its only me”Lesson 14 A noble gangsterLesson 15 Fifty pence worth of troubleLesson 16 Mary had a Iittle IambLesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the worldLesson 18 Electric currents in modern artLesson 19 A very dear catLesson 20 Pioneer pi lotsLesson 21 DanieI MendozaLesson 22 Bv heartLesson 23 One mans meat is another mans poisonLesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboardLesson 25 The Cutty SarkLesson 26 Wanted: a large biscuit tinLesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buyLesson 28 Five pound too dearLesson 29 Funny or not?Lesson 30 The death of a ghostLesson 31 A lovable eccentricLesson 32 A lost shipLesson 33 A day to rememberLesson 34 A happy discoveryLesson 35 Justice was doneLesson 36 A chance in a millionLesson 37 The Westhaven ExpressLesson 38 The first calendarLesson 39 Nothing to worry aboutLesson 40 Whos whoLesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral peaceLesson 42 Modern cavemenLesson 43 Fully insuredLesson 44 Speed and comfortLesson 45 The power of the pressLesson 46 Do it yourselfLesson 47 Too high a price?Lesson 48 The silent villageLesson 49 The ideal servantLesson 50 New Year resolutionsLesson 51 Predicting the futureLesson 52 Mud is mudLesson 53 In the public interestLesson 54 Instinct or cleverness?Lesson 55 From the earth: GreetingsLesson 56 Our neighbour, the riverLesson 57 Back in the old countryLesson 58 A spot of botherLesson 59 CollectingLesson 60 Too early and too late
Today, we do more than celebrate America;we rededicate our-selves to the very idea of America. An idea born in revolution and renewed through 2 centuries of challenge. An idea tempered by the knowledge that, but for fate, we-the fortunate and the unfortunate —— might have been each other. An idea ennobled by the faith that our nation can summon from its myriad diversity the deepest measure of unity. An idea infused with the conviction that Americas long heroic journey must go forever upward. And so, my fellow Americans, at the edge of the 21st century, let us begin with energy and hope, with faith and discipline, and let us work until our work is done, The Scripture says, "And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not." From this joyful mountaintop of celebration, we hear a call to service in the valley. We have heard the trumpets. We have changed the guard. And now, each in our way, and with Gods help, we must answer the call. Thank you and God bless you all.
口语是衡量学生英语语言运用水平的主要标志之一,也是中国学生在学习中最容易忽视的部分,它在整个英语学习的过程中应占有特别重要的位置。本书基于这种理念,根据《新概念英语》课文的难易程度编排相应的口语材料,所选材料涉及各个领域,同时提供大量精选短文和配套练习。它的最大特点是能够把课文经典句式、课外练习材料与重点口语词汇融合在一起,使学习者在提高口语能力的同时掌握更多、更全面的知识。 本书萃取符合学习者心理特点和逻辑思维方式的相关文章,题材广泛,篇幅适中,极富启发性,它的核心点为强化训练,具体来说,本书对应新概念每一课分为以下三个模块。