张永玲,李刚 主编
本书紧扣水利工程相关专业进行选材,具有较强的专业性和实用性。全书由28篇课文、28篇阅读材料和科技英语阅读与写作组成。课文由正文、生词(音标、词性、中文释义)和词组或短语(中文释义)组成,其内容包括水资源及其可持续发展、水文循环、水污染、地下水、水法、水需求、灌溉排水、工程材料、衬砌工程、水力发电、水工建筑物、水轮机、水泵、工程施工、工程经济及招投标、科技英语阅读与写作等方面。 本书可作为高校水利类专业本科生和研究生的专业英语教材或课外阅读材料,也可供从事相关专业的科技人员、工程技术人员、管理人员和教师查阅、使用。
前言Lesson 1 Water Resources of the World Reading Material Basic Characteristics of China's Water ResourcesLesson 2 The Hydrologic Cycle Reading Material The Water CycleLesson 3 Water Resources for Sustainable Development Reading Material Planning for Water Resources DevelopmentLesson 4 Nature of Water Pollution Reading Material The History of Water PollutionLesson 5 Underground Water Reading Material Groundwater Occurrences and the Hydrological Cycle Lesson 6 Legislation and Implementation of Current Basin- wide Problems in China Reading Material Water Doctrines in the United StatesLesson 7 Water Requirements Reading Material Water: a Crisis of GovernanceLesson 8 Evaporation Reading Material EvapotranspirationLesson 9 Irrigation Reading Material Irrigation MethodsLesson 10 Operation of Irrigation System Reading Material Methods of Application of Drip IrrigationLesson 11 RDl--the New Technique of Water Saving Irrigation Management in China Reading Material Crop Water Use of Onion (Allium cepa L. ) in TurkeyLesson 12 Irrigation Canals Reading Material CanalsLesson 13 21st Century's Water Saving Agriculture of Beijing Reading Material Expansion of Irrigated Agriculture within AlabamaLesson 14 Land Drainage Reading Material Interrelation of Irrigation and DrainageLesson 15 Type of Revetment Reading Material Failure Mechanism of RevetmentLesson 16 The Properties of Concrete Reading Material ConcreteLesson 17 Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete Reading Material Reinforced ConcreteLesson 18 Hydroelectricity Reading Material China's Hydropower PotenialLesson 19 Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity Reading Material The Three Gorges Dam ProjectLesson 20 Reservoir Reading Material The Grand Three Gorges ProjectLesson 21 Dams Reading Material DamLesson 22 Spillways Reading Material Overflow SpillwaysLesson 23 Hydraulic Turbines Reading Material WaterwheelLesson 24 Pumps and Pumping Reading Material PumpLesson 25 Construction and Equipment Reading Material Concrete ConstructionLesson 26 Engineering Economy in Water- Resources Planning ( I) Reading Material Engineering Economy in Water- Resources Planning ( II )Lesson 27 Bidding, Bid Opening and Award of Contract Reading Material Construction ContractsLesson 28 Critical Water Problem in World Reading Material Proposal for Water Programme New IAP Study on Water Sustainability科技英语阅读与写作参考文献
Evaporation is the name given to the change of water from the liquid state to the gase-ous state. Exactly how much water is evaporated is very difficult to judge accurately, al-though water vapor on the average is about 2% of the total volume of the atmos-phere. Recent studies have measured the evaporation from different sized bodies of water ata constant temperature, over a given period of time. The findings of these studies will beincorporated in the following sections.Water vapor in the atmosphere has been evaporated from various sources. The oceans,covering approximately three- quarters of the earths surface, provide most of the watervapor. Other sources are of relatively minor importance. They include rivers, creeks andinland water storage, which are continuously providing vapor for the atmosphere, as isthe moist land surface itself, particularly in tropical areas. Plants also give off moisture, aprocess referred to as transpiration.Once the atmosphere carrying this moisture moves over land areas and cools, the va-por is converted back into the liquid or solid state and, on reaching the earth, either is e-vaporated again or travels over the surface according to gravity.