Unit One Establishment of Your Company
Item 1 Naming a Company
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 2 Designing a Company Logo
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 3 Setting-up the Company Structure
I. Practice Guides
If. Practice Assignments
Item 4 Recruiting and Applying for Sales
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 5 Delivering a Company Presentation..
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Unit Two Development and Reception of Customers
Item 6 On the Phone
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 7 At the Airport
I. Practice Guides
II. Pratice Assignments
Item 8 Business Dinner and Sightseeing
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 9 Business Trip Arrangements
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Unit Three Products Promotion
Item 10 Marketing Research
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 11 Marketing Plan
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 12 Market Targeting
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 13 Marketing Strategy
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 14 Promotion Activities
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Unit Four Import and Export Practice
Item 15 Attending a Trade Fair
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 16 Establishing Business Relations
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 17 Making an Enquiry
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 18 Making an Offer
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 19 Making a Counter-offer
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 20 Confirming an Order & Signing the Contract
I. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 21 Amending the L/C
1. Practice Guides
I1. Practice Assignments
Item 22 Arranging Insurance
1. Practice Guides
II. Practice Assignments
Item 23 Making Delivery
I. Practice Guides
I1. Practice Assignment
Item 24 Lodging and Settling the Claims
I. Practice Guides
1I. Practice Assignments
SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strengths and Weakness,Opportunities,and Threats.As animportant strategic planning tool,SWOT analysis would help planners to compare internalorganizational strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats.This form ofanalysis provides managers with a critical view of the organization'S internal and externalenvironments,helping them to evaluate the firm’S fulfillment of its basic mission. 1)What is SWOT analysis? Strengths——What advantages does your business enjoy that others don't?What does yourbusiness have that makes it strong or better than other similar businesses? Weaknesses——What are the disadvantages of your business in contrast to others? Opportunities——What are the chances for your business?What is the potential to improve orexpand your business? ……