Endowed with a long history, the origin of the traditional sports of China's EthnicGroups can be principally summarized as follows: daily production and labor, militarytraining, hunting, religious ceremonies, and recreational activities.
Chapter Ⅰ General Survey of the Sports of China's Ethnic Minority Groups Ⅰ. The Concept of the Traditional Sports of China's Ethnic Groups Ⅱ. The Origin and Features of the Traditional Sports of China's Ethnic Groups Ⅲ. The Modern Sports Principles Within the Traditional Sports of the Ethnic Groups Ⅳ. The Development of the Traditional Sports of the Ethnic Groups in the Modern ChinaChapter Ⅱ Sports on Horseback Ⅰ. Games on Horseback Ⅱ. Competitive Sports on HorsebackChaPter Ⅲ Bail Games Ⅰ. Events of the Scratch Competition of the National Ethnic Groups Traditional Sports Meet Ⅱ. Other Traditional Ball Sports of Minority Ethnic GroupsChapter Ⅳ Wrestling and Martial Art Ⅰ. Wrestling Ⅱ. Martial ArtsChaPter Ⅴ ArcherY, Crossbow Sboot and FalconrY Ⅰ. Archery Ⅱ. Crossbow-shooting Ⅲ. FalconryChapter Ⅵ Competitive Games and Competitive Performance Ⅰ. Competitive Games0 Ⅱ. The Competitive PerformanceChapter Ⅶ Fun Games Ⅰ. The Tossing Game Ⅱ. Brain Game Ⅲ. Games of Agility Ⅳ. Competition Games
This description refers to those sports traditional to the fifty-five ethnic groupsexcluding the majority Han. According to the statistics of the Sixth National TraditionalEthnic Minority Sports Meet in 1999, there are over one thousand such activities stillpracticed in China, more than in any other part of the world, each with its own distinct andcolorful features.