Zhu Xi, a thinker of the Southern Song Dynast,once wrote: "Why is the water so clear inthe dyke, for the fresh water comes from thespringhead." Literally he meant that the water was clearthanks to a flowing headstream. The two lines aptly de-scribe China's South-to-North Water Diversion Projectcurrently under construction. The aim of the project isto divert running headwaters from southern China tothe north. The goal is to solve the chronic water short-age in northern China while cleaning up the rivers andlakes in the north. This sparkling goal is already under-way.Being the largest long-distance water diversion projectin China's history; the South-to-North Water DiversionProject has cost nearly RMBsoo million to date, twiceas much as the Three Gorges Project. The project isdivided into three water diversion routes: the EasternRoute Project (ERP), the Middle Route Project (MRP)and the Western Route Project (WRP). When all threeparts are completed, a total of 44.8 billion cubic metersof water will be diverted every year until 2o5o. That isabout equal to digging a new Yellow River along the ba-sin plains of the Yellow River, Huaihe River and HaiheRiver and the northwest part of China.
PrefaceI More Water Resources in the South, Less in the North (Ⅰ) Three Basis Characteristics of Water Resource Distribution in China (Ⅱ) The Basins of the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Haihe River are the Most Water-scarce Areas in China (Ⅲ) The Advantage of Water Resources of the Yangtze River Basin (Ⅳ) The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is an Inevitable Choice II A Decision Made for Half a Century (Ⅰ) The Proposal of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (Ⅱ) Democratic Verification and Scientific Appraisal (Ⅲ) Making Decisions III Layout: Three Water Transfer Projects (Ⅰ) ERP Planning (Ⅱ) MRP Planning (Ⅲ) WRP Planning IV East Route Project in Progress (Ⅰ) Projects in Jiangsu (Ⅱ) Projects in Shandong (Ⅲ) Pollution Prevention V Phase I Middle Route Project in Progress (Ⅰ) Water Resource Projects (Ⅱ) Projects in Henan (Ⅲ) Projects in Hebei (Ⅳ) Projects in Beijing (V) Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection VI Protection of Cultural Relics and Archaeological Excavation (Ⅰ) Jiangsu Section of the Eastern Route (Ⅱ) Shandong Section of the Eastern Route (Ⅲ) Water Source Areas in the Middle Route (Ⅳ) Henan Section of the Middle Route (V) Hebei Section of the Middle Route (VI) Beijing Section of the Middle Route
插图:Following the principle of "making a unified planto take into consideration every aspect of a matterand implementing the plan step by step," in 2007,the local government of Hebei started constructionof a series of supporting projects, so that parts of thecities will be able to handle emergencies by the timewhen the emergency water supply project of theMRP in Beijing was started in 2008. The main projectsand key urban water supply projects will be finishedby the time the MRP is ready for use in 2010, and allthe supporting projects will be finished around 2015.Hutuo River Inverted Siphon ProjectThe Hutuo River Inverted Siphon Project wasstarted on December 30, 2003. It is the first phase ofthe MRP in Hebei. The construction of the projectmarks the start of the MRP of South-to-North WaterDiversion Project in Hebei. The Hutuo River InvertedSiphon Project is on the Hutuo River in Zhengding,Shijiazhuang. It is an important part of the emergen-cy water supply project of the Beijing-Shijiazhuangsection project.