刘军会 等译
Through its reform and opening to the outside world, China has workedan economic miracle and boosted its comprehensive strength, enhancing itsstanding in the international community. As more and more people aroundthe world are eager to know and understand China, we have compiled theChina Series, aiming to provide a shortcut for readers to get the basic factsabout this countrv. The 12 titles in this series cover China's geography; history; politics, econo-my; culture, law, diplomacy, national defense, and society;, as well as its science,technology and education; its environment; and its ethnic groups and reli-gions. These writings will help readers acquire a basic knowledge of China. It is our hope that this series will enable readers to get a general idea aboutChina: Chinese history; culture and civilization, which is the oldest continuous ma-jor civilization in the world; China's basic conditions——the world's largest developing country with ahuge population, a country that is developing unevenly on a poor economicbase; in light of these conditions, China is following its own path to sustain-able development while learning from other civilizations; and China's future——led by the Chinese Communist Party. the Chinese peopleare focusing their efforts on economic development and carrying on reform andopening-up; they are building a harmonious society in their own country andworking for a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity. We expect that through these books our readers will begin a new journey ofdiscovery——'understanding China.
As the developing country with the largest population in the world, China has a vast expanse of territory and complexnatural conditions such as climate and topography Since late 197os,Chinese economy has been developing continuously and fast, and environment and resources have gradually become the importantproblems confronted by China. Meanwhile, Chinas unique populationproblem and natural conditions push China to the severe challenge of environmental protection. China has always been attaching greatimportance on environmental protection and construction, andestablished it as one basic state policy after the reform and opening-up in 1978. Through a series of important strategic measures, China strengthens environmental protection and construction. Solve the environment problems in China not only conform to the developmentgoals of China, but also greatly embody the common benefits of allhuman beings. Through a series of environment laws and concreteimplementation measures, China promotes environmental protectionby laws and achieves remarkable results.
PrefaceThe Development of Environmental Protection Cause in chinaNatural EcosystemBiological DiversityControl & Treatment of PollutionsRural & Urban EnvironmentMoving to Green Economy
插图:It has 38 species of mammals, 231 speciesof birds, 7 species of reptiles, 5 species of amphibians and77 species of fish, including animals under key state pro-tection such as the oriental white stork, red-crowned crane,Mergus squamatus, golden eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla andHaliaeetus leucoryphus. The Honghe Natural Reserve islocated in the center of Sanjiang Plain, covering 21,835.7hectares and was included in the List of Wetlands of Inter-national Importance in 2001. The reserve boasts 173 speciesof bird, including the oriental white stork, Ciconia nigra,red-crowned crane, Grus vipio, mandarin duck, whooperswan, Haliaeetus albicilla, Halioeetus pelagicus Kamchat-kan, Aquila clanga and Spotted Capercaillie, which are un-der state protection.