王广西 五洲传播出版社 (2011-01出版)
Wushu, the Chinese martial art form known as kungfu in the West, embodies the national traditional culture in martial art form and also reflects the self-defense and health practices of Chinese people. The core philosophy of Wushu is drawn from the Confucius principle of physical and mental integration combined with neutralization; the Taoist principle of dynamic balance; the Buddhist principle of showing cultural syncretism of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism in China; and the Eastern theory, which believes man is an integral part of nature.
中国武术是千百年来民族智慧的结晶,是民族传统文化在武技一道的体现,也是民族心理个性在健身自卫领域的合理反映。中国武术的哲学核心是儒家的中和养气之说,同时又融汇了道家的守静致柔、释家的禅定参悟等诸多理论,呈现出三教合一的文化风貌,深蕴着天人合一的东方韵趣,从而构成了一个博大精深的武学体系,成为世界上独一无二的“武文化”。 《中国功夫》由王广西所著,本册为西班牙文版。