

弗里切 世界图书出版公司











  The aim of this book is to give an understandable introduction to the the-ory of complex manifolds. With very few exceptions we give complete proofs.Many examples and figures along with quite a few exercises are included.Our intent is to familiarize the reader with the most important branches andmethods in complex analysis of several variables and to do this as simply aspossible. Therefore, the abstract concepts involved with sheaves, coherence,and higher-dimensional cohomology are avoided. Only elementary methodssuch as power series, holomorphic vector bundles, and one-dlmensional co-cycles are used. Nevertheless, deep results can be proved, for example theRemmert-Stein theorem for analytic sets, finiteness theorems for spaces ofcross sections in holomorphic vector bundles, and the solution of the Leviproblem.  The first chapter deals with holomorphic functions defined in open sub-sets of the space Cn. Many of the well-known properties of holomorphicfunctions of one variable, such as the Canchy integral formula or the maxi-mum principle, can be applied directly to obtain corresponding properties ofholomorphic functions of several variables. Furthermore, certain properties of differentiable functions of several variables, such as the implicit and inversefunction theorems, extend easily to holomorphic functions.  In Chapter II the following phenomenon is considered: For n>2, there're pairs of open subsets H∈ P ∈ Cn such that every function holomorphicin H extends to a holomorpbic function in P. Special emphasis is put on domains G ∈ Cn for which there is no such extension to a bigger domain.They are called domains of holomorphy and have a number of interesting convexity properties. These are described using plurisubharmonie functions.If G is not a domain of holomorphy, one asks for a maximal set E to which allholomorpbic functions in G extend. Such an "envelope of holomorphy" existsin the category of Riemann domains, i.e., unbranched domains over Cn.  The common zero locus of a system of holomorphie functions is calledan analytic set. In Chapter III we use Weierstrass's division theorem forpower series to investigate the local and global structure of analytic sets.Two of the main results are the decomposition of analytic sets into irreduciblecomponents and the extension theorem of Remmert and Stein. This is theonly place in the book where singularities play an essential role.  Chapter IV establishes the theory of complex manifolds and holomorphicfiber bundles. Numerous examples are given, in particular branched and un-branched coverings of Cn quotient manifolds such as tore and Hoof manifolds, projective spaces and Grassmannians, algebraic manifolds, modifications, andtoric varieties. We do not present the abstract theory of complex spaces, but do provide an elementary introduction to complex algebraic geometry. For example.


  本书是一部介绍复流形理论的入门书籍。作者用尽可能简单的方法使读者熟悉多变量复分析中的重要分支和方法,所以避免出现比较抽象的概念,如,层、凝聚和高维上同调等,仅运用了基本方法幂级数、正则向量丛和一维上闭链。然而,解析集Remmert-Stein定理,正则向量丛中的截面空间有限定理以及Levi问题解这些深层次的都得到了完整的证明。每章的结束都有大量的例子和练习。具备实分析、代数、拓扑以及单变量理论知识就可以完全读懂这本书。本书可以作为学习多变量的入门教程,也是一本很好的参考书。  读者对象:本书适用于数学专业的广大师生。


PrefaceI Holomorphic Functions 1.Complex Geometry  Real and Complex Structures  Hermitian Forms and Inner Products  Balls and Polydisks  Connectedness  Reinhardt Domains 2.Power Series  Polynomials  Convergence  Power Series 3.Complex Differentiable Functions  The Complex Gradient  Weakly Holomorphic Functions  Holomorphic Functions 4.The Cauchy Integral  The Integral Formula  Holomorphy of the Derivatives  The Identity Theorem 5.The Hartogs Figure  Expansion in Reinhardt Domains  Hartogs Figures 6.The Cauchy-Riemann Equations  Real Differentiable Functions  Wirtinger's Calculus  The Cauchy-Riemann Equations 7.Holomorphic Maps  The Jacobian  Chain Rules  Tangent Vectors  The Inverse Mapping 8.Analytic Sets  Analytic Subsets  Bounded Holomorphic Functions  Regular Points  Injective Holomorphic MappingsII Domains of Holomorphy 1.The Continuity Theorem  General Hartogs Figures  Removable Singularities  The Continuity Principle  Hartogs Convexity  Domains of Holomorphy 2.Plurisubharmonic Functions  Subharmonic Functions  The Maximum Principle  Differentiable Subharmonic Functions  Plurisubharmonic Functions  The Levi Form  Exhaustion Functions 3.Pseudoconvexity  Pseudoconvexity  The Boundary Distance  Properties of Pseudoconvex Domains 4.Levi Convex Boundaries  Boundary Functions  The Levi Condition  Affine Convexity  A Theorem of Levi 5.Holomorphic Convexity  Affine Convexity  Holomorphic Convexity  The Cartan-Thullen Theorem 6.Singular Functions  Normal Exhaustions  Unbounded Holomorphic Functions  Sequences 7.Examples and Applications  Domains of Holomorphy  Complete Reinhardt Domains  Analytic Polyhedra 8.Riemann Domains over Cn  Riemann Domains  Union of Riemann Domains 9.The Envelope of Holomorphy  Holomorphy on Riemann Domains  Envelopes of Holomorphy  Pseudoconvexity  Boundary Points  Analytic DisksIII Analytic SetsIV Complex MannifoldsV Stein TheoryVI Kahler ManifoldsVII Boundary BehaviorReferencesIndex of NotationIndex





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