王士元(William S-Y Wang),美国加州大学伯克利分校名誉退休教授。香港中文大学伟伦研究教授。王士元先生在语音学、语言学等多个领域都有杰出贡献.并大力倡导跨学科研究;1960年以声学语音学方面的论文获得美国密歇根大学博士学位;1969年创立“词汇扩散”理论。闻名于世界语言学界。
编者导言Segmentation Techniques in Speech SynthesisSegment Inventory for Speech SynthesisTransition and Release as Perceptual Cues for Final PlosivesFrequency Studies of English ConsonantsIntrinsic Cues and Consonant PerceptionThe Perception of Stops after sPhonological Features of ToneThe Measurement of Functional LoadTone 3 in PekineseVowel Features,Paired Variables,and the English Vowel ShiftPerceptual Distance and the Specification of Phonological FeaturesCompeting Changes as a Cause of ResidueImplementation of Phonological Change:The Shuang-Feng Chinese CaseProject DOC:Its Methodological BasisTone Change in Ch60-Zhou Chinese:A Study in Lexical DiffusionThe Many Uses of F0Why and How do We Study the Sounds of Speech?Sound Change:Actuation and ImplementationPerception of Sentence Boundaries With and Without Semantic InformationPsychophysical Pitch Biases Related to Vowel Quality,Intensity Difference, and Sequential OrderUse of Optical Distance Sensing to Track Tongue MotionLanguage Change:A Lexical PerspectiveVariation and Selection in Language Change声调感知问题A Note on Tone DevelopmentMiddle Chinese Tones in Modern DialectsClosure Duration in the Classification of Stops:A Statistical AnalysisBidirectional Diffusion in Sound Change吴语浊塞音的研究——统计上的分析和理论上的考虑Snowball Effect in Lexical Diffusion:The Development of-s in the Third Person Singular Present Indicative in EnglishPerformance of Mandarin Connected Digit Recognizer with Word Duration ModelingOptimization Models of Sound Systems Using Genetic AlgorithmsComputational Studies of Language EvolutionAn Innovative Prosody Modeling Method for Chinese Speech RecognitionTone Recognition of Continuous Cantonese Speech Based on Suppo Vector Machines宏观语音学
In the synthesized sentence presented in this paper(Figs.3-5),35 of the 43 postulated phonetic units occur.It is composed of over 40 segments of tape,including one segment of silence between the two clauses.The segments are extracted from 42 different context utterances,recorded on magnetic tape. The context utterances were constructed so to contain the desired segments the proper sequence of phonetic units in suitable prosodic environ.ments.In recording these context utterances,care was taken to standardize the phonetic quality of the units as well as the prosodic features in which the units Occur.The utterances were recorded onto an Ampex tape recorder at 30 in./sec.Broad band and narrow band spectrograms were made to determine the position of segmentation to insure proper matching of formants and har.monics between segments.Sometimes the formants matched at one position and the harmonics at another.In such instances,it was necessary to re.record the context utterance,changing the prosodic environment by a small amount each time until proper matching was achieved;attention was given simuhane. ously to preserving the naturalness of the speech dynamics. When the context utterances were completed.a visible mark Was made on the tape near each desired segment by means of a magnetized razor blade. This mark appears in the spectrogram as a pulse.The limits of the desired segment can then be located on the tape with the visible mark as a reference. These segments were spliced together and broad band and naow band spectrograms of the synthesized utterance are shown in Figs.3 and 4.The tenth harmonic on the naow band spectrogram was traced to show the relative Ditch contour.The oscillograms in Fig.5 show the resulting amplitude pattern.