This book emerged from a close collaboration of the authors which started inthe fall of 2000. Early that year one of us (J.S.) had joined the Stanford facultyafter spending nearly 15 years at the IBM Almaden Research Center and theother (H.C.S.) had just retired from a chair at the ETH Ziirich and come toStanford as a visiting professor. Together we organized magnetism meetingsof a small group of scientists which oscillated weekly between the StanfordSynchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) and the Advanced Light Source(ALS) in nearby Berkeley. We also organized annual winter workshops at LakeTahoe where all participants reported on their research - of course we snuckin a few ski runs, as well. These meetings were great fun and some seemedto go on forever because there was so much interest and enthusiasm and somuch to discuss... The participants varied over the years and consisted of stu-dents, postdocs, Stanford and Berkeley scientists, visiting scientists and par-ticipants from industry. In alphabetical order, some of the people involved wereYves Acremann, Scott Andrews, Andreas Bauer, Mark Burkhardt, VenkateshChembrolu, Kang Chen, Sug-Bong Choe.
This book emerged from a close collaboration of the authors which started inthe fall of 2000. Early that year one of us (J.S.) had joined the Stanford facultyafter spending nearly 15 years at the IBM Almaden Research Center and theother (H.C.S.) had just retired from a chair at the ETH Ziirich and come toStanford as a visiting professor.
1 IntroductionPart 1 Fields and Moments 2 Electric Fields, Currents, and Magnetic Fields 3 Magnetic Moments and their Interactions with Magnetic Fields 4 Time Dependent Fields 5 Polarized Electromagnetic WavesPart 2 History and Concepts of Magnetic Interactions 6 Exchange Spin-Orbit, and Zeeman Interactions 7 Electronic and Magnetic Interactions in SolidsPart 3 Polarized Electron and X-Ray Techniques 8 Polarized Electrons and Magnetism ……Part 4 Properties of and Phenomena in the Ferromagnetic MetalsPart 5 Appendices
插图:atomic level. The seminal contribution of neutron techniques to magnetismis reflected by the October 1994 press release by the Royal Swedish Academyof Sciences on the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics, won by Bertram N. Brockhouse(1918-2003) and Clifford G. Shull (1915-2001), "Neutrons are small magnets,as are the atoms of a magnetic material. When a neutron beam strikes suchmaterial, the neutrons can therefore change direction through magnetic inter-action with the atoms of the material. This gives rise to a new type of neutrondiffraction which can be used to study the relative orientations of the smallatomic magnets. Here, too, the X-ray method has been powerless and in thisfield of application neutron diffraction has since assumed an entirely dominantposition. It is hard to imagine modern research into magnetism without thisaid."At the time of this press release efforts were already underway to changethe role of X-rays in magnetism. This relatively recent and important deve-lopment will be discussed later. The last 30 years have seen another importantdevelopment, the generation and manipulation of spin polarized electrons [45].This development has culminated in phenmena .like giant magnetoresistanceand "spintronics". We shall see later that studies by means of polarized elec-trons and X-rays have provided important new information. Today one couldrephrase the last sentence of the above quote by the Nobel Prize Commit-tee: It is hard to imagine modern research into magnetism without polarizedelectron and X-ray probes.