

哈里斯 (JoeHarris) IanMorrison 著 世界图书出版公司





哈里斯 (JoeHarris) IanMorrison 著  






preface1 parameter spaces: constructions and examplesa parameters and modulib construction of the hfibert schemec tangent space to the hilbert schemed extrinsic pathologiesmumford's exampleother examplese dimension of the hilbert schemef severi varietiesg hurwitz schemesbasic facts about moduli spaces of curvesa why do fine moduli spaces of curves not exist?b moduli spaces we'll be concerned withc constructions of mgthe teichmiiller approachthe hodge theory approachthe geometric invariant theory (g.i,t.) approachd geometric and topological propertiesbasic propertieslocal propertiescomplete subvarieties of mgcohomology of mg: hater's theoremscohomology of the universal curvecohomology of hfibert schemesstructure of the tautological ringwitten's conjectures and kontsevich's theoreme moduli spaces of stable mapstechniquesa basic facts about nodal and stable curvesdualizing sheavesautomorphismsb deformation theoryoverviewdeformations of smooth curvesvariations on the basic deformation theory planuniversal deformations of stable curvesdeformations of mapsc stable reductionresultsexamplesd interlude: calculations on the moduli stackdivisor classes on the moduli stackexistence of tautological familiese grothendieck-riemann-roch and porteousgrothendieck-riemann-rochchern classes of the hodge bundlechern class of the tangent bundleporteous' formulathe hyperelliptic locus in m3relations amongst standard cohomology classesdivisor classes on hilbert schemesf test curves: the hyperelliptic locus in m3 begung admissible coversh the hyperelliptic locus in m3 completed4 construction of m3a background on geometric invariant theorythe g.i.t. strategyfinite generation of and separation by invariantsthe numerical criterionstability of plane curvesb stability of hilbert points of smooth curvesthe numerical criterion for hilbert pointsgieseker's criterionstability of smooth curvesc construction of mg via the potential stability theoremthe plan of the construction and a few corollariesthe potential stability theoremlimit linear series and brill-noether theorya introductory remarks on degenerationsb limits of line bundlesc limits of linear series: motivation and examplesd limit linear series: definitions and applicationslimit linear seriessmoothing limit linear serieslimits of canonical series and weierstrass pointslimit linear series on flag curvesinequalities on vanishing sequencesthe case p = 0proof of the gieseker-petri theoremgeometry of moduli spaces: selected resultsa irreducibility of the moduli space of curvesb diaz' theoremthe idea: stratifying the moduli spacethe proofc moduli of hyperelliptic curvesfiddling aroundthe calculation for an (almost) arbitrary familythe picard group of the hyperelliptic locusd ample divisors on mgan inequality for generically hilbert stable familiesproof of the theoreman inequality for families of pointed curvesample divisors on mge irreducibility of the severi varietiesinitial reductionsanalyzing a degenerationan examplecompleting the argumentf kodaira dimension of mgwriting down general curvesbasic ideaspulling back the divisors drdivisors on mg that miss j(m2,1 \ w)divisors on mg that miss i(m0,g)further divisor class calculationscurves defined over qbibliographyindex




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