赵启光、 王国振 海豚出版社 (2010-11出版)
For me happiness consists of three things: readingthe most wonderful books inthe world, meeting the most wonderful people in theworld and visiting the mostwonderful places in the world. Where, you mightask, are the most wonderfulplaces in the world? The benevolent see benevolenceand the wise see wisdom.Let us not talk about this forthe moment. Lao Tze is one of the most wonderful people to have everdrawn breath on the earth. His wisdom has been admired by people from all over the world for millennia. The Tao Te Ching is one of themost wonderful books ever created. Every single sentence is striking.The first sentence echoes like the peal of a large bell lying at the bottom of the sea as it breaks the waves of the surface. "The Tao that can be toldis not the eternal Tao." The Tao can be sensed but cannot be expressedin words. One would think that great waves should surge in the heartof Lao Tze, but he speaks calmly.
ForewordInscriptions of Chinese CultureThe Tao that Can be ToldWhy Can Angels Fly?Look up at the StarsThe Highest Good Is WaterAn Unanchored BoatKnow the Male and Stay With the FemaleDo Nothing and Do EverythingGain and LossThe Dragon Is ComingThe Hour of DeathLiving Between the TwoThe Law of the Tao Is Its Being What It IsThe Battlefield of LifeAppendix: Tao Te Ching
版权页:插图:Every time people are confronted with a great challenge, they always look back to better times. The aim is not to think constantly about the previous times, but rather to bring forth new ideas. Now we are on the eve of a great leap forward, so we really need to focus our attention on the voice of the sage. Lao Tze's thinking has far-reaching significance for our everyday lives, because it can help us build a harmonious society and cultivate a healthy body and mind.Confucians assembled crowds, gave lectures and had 3,000 disciples, while Lao Tze lived in seclusion and relative obscurity.The Tao Te Ching was his teaching materials. The volume is so short that it cannot really be seen as teaching materials, but rather a 5,000-word outline for lectures. The outline is so profound and each word seems like a sparkling star. I would confidently assert that these 5,000 stars could lighten the heart of every person in the world with their harmonious and wise light.
I believe that there exists a powerbeyond the will of humans in theuniverse. It is great, magnificent,deserted and lonely. In the presenceof it, our discord, success and failure isutterly meaningless. Our life is just likewhat Lao Tze said it was: "The Taogives life to all things, and its virtuenourishes them, forms each accordingto its nature and gives to each its innerstrength." ——qiguang zhao