

方振宇 编 海豚出版社





方振宇 编  






第一卷 生活中,我们最幸福时1 In Life We Are Happiest When… 生活中,我们最幸福时…… 22 Our Love Is Simple as a Song 我们的爱简单如歌 63 Love Is Just a Thread 爱如丝线 84 Yesterday Once More 追忆似水年华 12Track 01 When You Believe(只要你肯相信) 175 Flower at the Mountain Cliff 悬崖上的花朵 186 Life Together 伴你一生 247 The Silent Guardian 默默的守护者 298 Ole and Trufa 两片树叶的爱情 339 One True Love 真正的爱 3910 Detour to Romance 浪漫路曲曲折折 4211 The Measure of Love 爱无止境 4812 Soul Mates Really Exist 心心相印的伴侣 51Track 02 Hey Jude (嘿,裘德) 55第二卷 当幸福来敲门13 Happiness Is a Journey 幸福是段旅程 5714 Happiness Is Better 幸福快乐就好 6115 Make Way for Others' Happiness 给别人的幸福让道 65Track 03 Unchained Melody(奔放的旋律) 6816 Bring Happiness Home 带快乐回家Track 04 Yellow(黄色) 7217 Happy Hours 幸福时光 7318 What You See Is What You Get 你得到的就是你想到的 7719 The Standard of Felicity 幸福的准则 8020 Cultivate Happiness 幸福从内心而生 8621 The Source of Happiness 幸福之源 89Track 05 My Heart Will Go On and On(我心依旧) 92第三卷 紫丁香的回忆22 The Best Nourishment of Life 生命中最好的养料 9423 A Good Heart to Lean On 善心可依 9724 A Father's Love 深深的父爱 10225 Build Me a Son 塑造我的儿子 105Track 06 My Love(我的爱) 10826 Lord Chesterfield — to His Son 切斯特菲尔德勋爵给儿子的一封信 10927 Who Will Be Your Angel? 你的“守护天使”是谁? 11328 The Dress 一件连衣裙 11629 Prayer for My Mother 为母亲祈祷 120Track 07 Reality(真实) 12330 The Remembrance of Lilacs 紫丁香的回忆 12431 Mother's Love Is Priceless 母爱无价 130第四卷 我们都可以成为天使32 We All Can Become Angels 我们都可以成为天使 13333 Sand and Stone 沙和石 137Track 08 When a Child Is Born(当孩子诞生时) 14034 The Subtlety 淡淡 141Track 09 I Believe I Can Fly(我相信我能飞翔) 14335 A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 144Track 10 You Raise Me Up(你鼓舞了我) 14636 Choice of Companions 择友37 On Friendship 论友谊 150Track 11 Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长) 15338 The Silence of Male's Friendship 男人间无声的友谊 154Track 12 It's My Life(这是我的人生) 15739 The Flower of Friendship 友谊之花 158第五卷 阳光总在风雨后40 Turn Your Face to the Sun 面朝太阳 16241 Attitude Is Everything 态度决定一切 167Track 13 Carry On Till Tomorrow(坚持到明天) 17242 My Life Is Over 我的人生已逝 17343 The Splashes of Life 生命的波纹 177Track 14 Born to Run(生来就注定逃亡) 18044 How Can I Love the Job I Have? 调整心态热爱你的工作 18145 The Power of Mind 心态的力量 18646 Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵的空间 18947 “There” Is no Better than “Here” 彼岸无尽头,知足才常乐 19248 Storms Always Give Way to the Sun 阳光总在风雨后 19849 You Have Only One Life 生命只有一次 202Track 15 Everybody Hurts(人人都受伤) 205第六卷 人生的补丁50 The Daffodil Principle 水仙花法则 20751 The Patch of Life 人生的补丁 213Track 16 Like a Rolling Stone(像个流浪汉) 21852 I Will Run to the Goal 我要跑向终点 21953 If the Dream Is Big Enough 为了心中的梦想 22354 A Ball to Roll Around 滚球 22755 A Lesson of Life 生活的一课 23156 The Road not Taken 未选择的路 235Track 17 Sailing(我在航行) 23757 A Psalm of Life 人生礼颂 23858 Don't Look Back 告别过去 24159 If I Had My Life to Live Over 如再活一次,一切将会不同 24560 Struggle 奋斗 249Track 18 Never Had a Dream Come True(有梦想就有希望) 253


版权页: It was around Thanksgiving Day and by Christmas his condition worsende. The cancer spread and in late January his sister away at college too, called him crying and said she was on her way home because the doctors told the family that their grandfather had only a week to live, that by the weekend he would no longer be with them.The family came in from around the country and stayed next to his side. It was there he realized that true love does exist today and will survive beyond death. Every night as his grandfather grew more fragile, he would whisper sweet words to grandmother, Madge. The night before he died, grandmother was walking out of his room and he said to her "I love you, Madgie baby". The next morning he received a phone call at work that grandfather had passed during the night. Throughout his short battle with cancer, he realized how much two people can love each other and he realized how much it means to be loved and give love. It is the greatest gift on earth and it lasts beyond life because you never forget your one true love.






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