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《2012考研专业课辅导系列:英语专业英美文学考研真题详解》是解答名校英语专业考研科目“英美文学”历年真题的复习资料。它根据众多院校“英美文学”试题的结构和难易程度,从全国13所院校近几年40多份试题中挑选出英美文学方向的试题,并提供了详细的参考答案。 《2012考研专业课辅导系列:英语专业英美文学考研真题详解》特别适用于参加英语专业硕士研究生人学考试的考生,对于英语专业本科生、自考生以及英美文学的教学与测试,《2012考研专业课辅导系列:英语专业英美文学考研真题详解》也具有较好的参考价值。
第1章 全国院校英语专业英美文学考研真题分析1.1 英美文学考研真题分析1.2 重点院校英美文学考研真题比较第2章 名校英语专业英美文学考研真题详解1.北京外国语大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2010)2.中国人民大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2006-2007)3.北京师范大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2008)4.北京第二外国语学院英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2010)5.北京航空航天大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2008-2010)6.武汉大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2010)7.南京大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2009)8.厦门大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2010)9.浙江大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2008)10.四川大学英语英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2008-2010)11.南开大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2010)12.天津外国语学院英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2007-2010)13.大连外国语学院英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2008)
Most of his works are tragedies, dealing with human existence and predicament: life anddeath, illusion and disillusion, alienation and communication, dream and reality, self andsociety, desire and frustration, etc. In his writing, he is looking for an answer both psycho-logically and artistically, and his dramatic thought follows a tragic pattern running through allhis plays, from a celebration of Pipe dream to the doubt about the reality of the dream orthe inevitability of the defeat. So his final dramas became transcendental, in the way thatthe dramatization of man s endeavor in finding the meaning of life results in a tragic failure.Eugene O Neill was a tireless experimentalist in dramatic art. He took drama away from theold traditions of the last century and rooted it deeply in life. He introduced the realistic or e-ven the naturalistic aspect of life into the American theater. He borrowed freely from the besttraditions of European drama, be it Greek tragedies, or the realism of Ibsen, or the expres-sionism of Strindberg, and fused them into the organic art of his own. His ceaseless experi-mentation enriched American drama and influenced later playwrights such as Tennessee Wil-liams, William Inge, and Edward Albee.