作者:(美国)卡耐基(Carnegie D.)
《How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job》目录: EXCERPTS FROM How to Stop Worrying and Start Living PART ONE Seven Ways to Peace and Happiness 1 Find Yourself and Be Yourself:Remember,There Is No One Else on Earth like You 2 Four Good Working Habits That Will Help Prevent Fatigue and Worry 3 What Makes You Tired-and What You Can Do About It 4 How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue,Worry, and Resentment 5 Would You Take a Million Dollars for What You Have? 6 Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog 7 Do This-and Criticism Can't Hurt You EXCERPTS FROM How to Win Friends and Influence People PART TWO Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 8 "If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over the Beehive 9 The Big Secret of Dealing with People 10 "He Who Can Do This Has the Whole World with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way 11 Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere 12 How to Make People Like You Instantly PART THREE Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking 13 A Sure Way of Making Enemies-and How to Avoid It 14 The High Road to Reason 15 The Secret of Socrates 16 How to Get Cooperation 17 An Appeal That Everybody Likes PART FOUR Ways to Change People Without Giving Offense of Arousing Resentment 18 How to Criticize-and Not Be Hated for it 19 Talk About Your Own Mistakes First 20 No One Likes to Take Orders 21 Let the Other Person Save Face In a Nutshell …… 《The Leader in You》 《How to Stop Worrying and Start Living》 《How to Win Friends & Influence People》 《The Quick & Easy Waiy to Effective Speaking》 《How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking》
版权页: I walked like a beaten man. I had lost all my fight and faith. Then suddenly I saw coming down the street a man who had no legs. He was sitting on a little wooden platform equipped with wheels from roller skates. He propelled himself along the street with a block of wood in each hand.I met him just after he had crossed the street and was starting to lift himself up a few inches over the curb to the sidewalk. As he tilted his little wooden platform to an angle, his eyes met mine. He greeted me with a grand smile. 'Good morning, sir. It is a fine morning, isn't it?' he said with spirit. As I stood looking at him,realized how rich I was. I had two legs. I could walk. I felt ashamed of my self-pity.l said to myself, if he can be happy, cheerful, and confident without legs, certainly can with legs. I could already feel my chest lifting.I had intended to ask the Merchants and Miners Bank for only one hundred dollars.But now I had courage to ask for two hundred. I had intended to say that I wanted to go to Kansas City to try to get a job.But now I announced confidently that I wanted to go to Kansas City to get a job. I got the loan; and I got thejob. "I now have the following words pasted on my bathroom mirror, and I read them every morning as shave : I had the blues because I had no shoes,Until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet. I once asked Eddie Rickenbacker what was the biggest lesson he had learned from drifting about with his companions in life rafts for twenty-one days, hopelessly lost in the Pacific. " The biggest lesson I learned from that experience, " he said," was that if you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you ought never to complain about anything. Time ran an article about a sergeant who had been wounded on Guadalcanal. Hit in the throat by a shell fragment, this sergeant had had seven blood transfusions. Writing a note to his doctor, he asked: "Will I live? The doctor replied: " Yes. He wrote another note, asking, " Will I be able to talk? gain the answer was yes. He then wrote another note, saying: " Then what in the hell am I worrying about?" Why don't you stop right now and ask yourself, "What in the hell am I worrying about? You will probably find that it is comparatively unimportant and insignificant.
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