关国才 编
时代背景:自加入世界贸易组织以来,中国的对外贸易蓬勃发展,对复合型、高水平的外贸人才需求也与日俱增,这就对普通高等院校及高职、高专院校外贸人才的培养提出了新的要求。即,新型外贸人才不仅要掌握扎实的外贸专业知识,同时还要具备娴熟的语言沟通与运用能力。 编写目的:“外贸函电”作为国际贸易专业的一门核心课,是将外贸业务与英语写作相结合,实践性、操作性很强的课程。编写本教材的目的在于,通过本课程的学习,使学生领会外贸函电的基本理论知识,掌握各类外贸信函的写作技巧与方法,提高学生翻译和撰写外贸信函的能力,为学生毕业后从事外贸工作打下坚实的基础。 结构与特色:本书按理论与实践相结合的原则编写,共两篇,十一单元。第一单元为上篇,深入阐述了商务书信写作的基本理论;第二单元至第十_单元为下篇,详尽介绍了外贸函电各类信函的写作规律与技巧。理论阐述做到深入浅出,准确精要,各单元按照外贸业务流程编写,突出实践性和可操作性。每一单元又分为6个环节,编写体例充分体现了“总结归纳,侧重技巧,讲练结合,提高实战”的特点。“单元概要”是指引,旨在帮助学习者对本单元的主要内容、重点、难点在整体上加以把握;“信函示例”是基石,采用案例导人模式,贴近业务实际,便于学习操作;“词法套语”是关键,通过对核心词汇、实用句型的注释、总结,夯实语言基础,固化句型模式;“写作技巧”是规律,通过对各类信函典型案例的分析、归纳,从内容与语言两个层面总结出此类信函的写作步骤、惯用表达及技巧规律;“信函模板”是升华,在分析信函范例及写作技巧的基础上,提炼出核心模板框架,强化功能与意念,熟悉各类信函写作套路;“练习”是巩固,每一单元都设有一定量的、有针对性的练习,通过讲练结合,达到掌握并熟练操作的目的。 使用说明:对于学生,在学习本课程时,如果能提前或同时学习国际贸易实务课程,可以收到更好的效果。在使用本书时,应认真预习。每一单元都可作为一个专题来学习,要把每一单元的内容消化吸收,融会贯通,切不可机械僵化,生搬硬套。各类“信函模板”不是万能的,其目的只是在于强化各类信函的写作套路。
本书系统地阐述了商务书信写作的基本知识,包括商务书信的构成及格式、信封的写法、商务书信的写信原则及措辞,并按照外贸业务磋商及执行过程中各个环节的顺序详尽介绍了外贸函电各类信函的写作内容及语言模式,包括确立贸易关系,询价及回复,报盘及还盘,订单、接受和回绝,支付方式,包装,装运,保险,申诉与索赔,代理等方面,每个单元由单元概要、信函示例、词汇注释套语、写作技法、信函模版、练习6个部分组成。书后附有常用外贸缩略语及国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例第600号出版物。 本书既可供普通高等院校及高职、高专院校商务英语专业、国际贸易专业的学生使用,也可供准备参加BEc等各类商务英语考试的考生及外贸从业人员阅读。
上篇Unit One Basic Theory of Business Letter Writing 商务书信写作的基本理论 Unit Outline 单元概要 Section Ⅰ The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter 商务书信的构成及格式 Ⅰ.The Structure of a Business Letter 商务书信的构成 Ⅱ.The Layout of a Business Letter 商务书信的格式 Ⅲ.Addressing Envelope 信封的写法 Section Ⅱ The Principles of Business Letter Writing 商务书信的写信原则 Section Ⅲ Wording of a Business Letter 商务书信的措辞 Section Ⅳ Notes and Glossary 词汇及注释 Section Ⅴ Exercises 练习下篇Unit Two Establish Business Relations 确立贸易关系 Unit Outline 单元概要 Section Ⅰ Specimen Letters 信函示例 Case 1 A Request to Establish Business Relations 请求建立业务关系 Case 2 Exporter’s Self-introduction 出口商的自我介绍 Case 3 ImpoSer’S Self-introduction 进口商的自我介绍 Case 4 Exposer Writes to ImpoSer 出口商写给进口商的信 Case 5 ImpoSer Writes to Exposer 进口商写给出口商的信 Section Ⅱ Notes Glossary and Useful Expressions 词汇注释及套语 Section Ⅲ Writing Skills 写作技巧 Section Ⅳ Model Letters 信函模板 Section Ⅴ Exercises 练习 Unit Three Enquiries and Replies 询价及回复 Unit Outline 单元概要 Section Ⅰ Specimen Letters 信函示例……
Ideally, it should not be necessary to complain, since in business everything should be done so carefully to make sure that no mistakes are made and nothing is damaged. Unfortunately, no matter how perfect an organization may be, complaints are certain to arise. Complaints may be of several different kinds. The quality may not be satisfactory. Perhaps not enough goods were sent, perhaps too many. And it is always a cause for complaint that the wrong goods were delivered. Sometimes the complaint is about inferior quality. More often, the complaints about quality is caused by a discrepancy between the samples and the goods which actually arrive. In this case, buyers complain that the goods are not up to the standard. There are complaints about the goods that have been delivered are damaged. Complaints about damage are usually the business of insurance companies, but if the damage is caused by the negligence of the packer, then the insurance companies will not take responsibility. A compliant may be about a delay in shipment. Usually, there is a penalty clause in the contract to protect the buyer against loss from delay. If the delay is very long, the buyer may .cancel the order, and there may be a great loss to the supplier and the buyer. There are also complaints about the price. Maybe it is excessive than the agreed one. Complaints about service is of less importance while still should not be ignored.