黄金葵 编
Unit 1
Reading 1 Singapore新加坡
Interpretation 1 Welcome Speech欢迎词
Unit 2
Reading 2 Trafalgar Square特拉法加广场
Interpretation 2 Tian An Men Square天安门广场
Unit 3
Reading 3 The Palace of Veailles凡尔赛宫
Interpretation 3 The Forbidden City故宫
Unit 4
Reading 4 The Parthenon帕提农神庙
Interpretation 4 The Temple of Heaven天坛
Unit 5
Reading 5 Taj Mahal泰姬陵
Interpretation 5 The Ming Tombs十三陵
Unit 6
Reading 6 New Swan Stone Castle新天鹅堡
Interpretation 6 The Great Wall长城
Unit 7
Reading 7 Brazilian Carnival巴西狂欢节
Interpretation 7 The Summer Palace颐和园
Unit 8
Reading 8 Cologne Cathedral科隆大教堂
Interpretation 8 Yong He Gong Lamasery&Bei Hai Park
Appendix A Term Group Project学期小组项目大作业
Appendix B Simulated Tour Guiding Oral Test模拟导游口试
Appendix C Suggested Sample of Guiding Speech Writing Exercise
Appendix D Sample Written Test Paper of English for Tourism
Appendix E Coue Assessment课程评分细则
版权页: 插图: 2—7 国徽The NationaI Emblem 在天安门城楼和人民大会堂正门上方,大家均能看到中国国徽。中国国徽的周围是齿轮和谷穗环绕,正中间是以红色背景的五星照耀下的天安门。和国旗的含义相同,五星照耀下的天安门象征着在中国共产党的领导下全国各族人民大团结。上方周边的谷穗代表农民阶级,下方的齿轮代表工人阶级,这是1949年新中国政府成立时,构成中国社会的最基本的两大阶级。 You can see the national emblem of China both hanging above the eastern gate of the Great Hall of the People as well as above the rostrum of the Tian An Men Gate Tower.The pattern of the emblem is composed of grain ears and a cogwheel encircling the Tian An Men Gate Tower illuminated by the five yellow stars in red background.Like the national flag,The Tian An Men Gate Tower illuminated by the five stars also indicates the grand solidarity of the whole Chinese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The grain ears in the upper part of the circle represent the farming class and the cogwheel in the lower part symbolizes the working class,which constituted the two fundamental social classes in the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. 2—8 人民大会堂The Great Hall of The People 人民大会堂是为迎接新中国十年大庆而建造的十大建筑之一。其总建筑面积170000平方米。它由万人大礼堂、可容5000人同时就餐的宴会厅及以中国各省、直辖市、自治区和特别行政区命名的34个接待厅组成。在中国20世纪50年代末期的技术条件下,人民大会堂不到一年就建成,无疑是个奇迹。现在,这里是全国人民代表大会和中国共产党党员代表大会的永久会址。
字大 书也大 但是轻方便携带 不错!