董晓波 编
随着全球经济一体化、中国对外开放的进一步扩大,中国社会需要大量英语基础好,又熟悉商务贸易知识的复合型人才。改革开放三十多年以来,我国综合国力显著提升,经济对外开放与融合的程度不断加深。大型企业向国际化管理模式的转变及工商企业走出去战略的实施,对商务英语专业人才培养模式提出了更高的要求。从外语教育的角度来看,商务英语专业学生除了需要具有扎实的语言基本功底外,同时还需要具备较强的跨文化商务交际能力。为满足各大专院校培养复合型商务英语人才及社会上各阶层经济贸易工作者进一步学习和提高的需要,我们特编写了《商务英语报刊选读》一书。 阅读是语言学习者最重要的信息输入形式之一,本书全面而概括地介绍了商务领域的各个关键领域,如企业管理、市场营销、电子商务等。本书旨在对学习者进行全面而严格的商务基础理论教育及英语语言技能的培训,让学习者在阅读和理解商务英语文章的基础上,既能学习丰富的商务知识,又能熟悉一些商务方面的英语表达,以便提高跨文化商务交际水平。全书共十五个单元,每单元内容主要由两篇精读文章、一篇补充材料及课后练习组成。 ……
Unit 1 Business & Industry
Text A Start a Business
Text B Entrepreneurship in China-Let a Million Flowers Bloom
Supplementary Reading
Building Excitement-Can China Avoid a Bubble?
Unit 2 Capital Markets
Text A Banking Industry
Text B Stock Exchange
Supplementary Reading
American Stock Markets-Reversal of Fortune
Unit 3 International Marketing
Text A Business Planning-Marketing Planning
Text B Supporting Offline Campaign Launches With Online
Supplementary Reading
Online-coupon Firms-Groupon Anxiety
Unit 4 International Investment and Credit
Text A A Financial Mamage
Text B How to Promote and Regulate International Investments?
Supplementary Reading
Moving Toward a Global Currency
Unit 5 Business Elite
Text A The Resurrection of Steve Jobs——That Which Does Not Kill the
Boss of Apple Seems to Make Him Stronger
Text B Ann Moore: The CEO of Time
Supplementary Reading
Steve Jobs and the iPad of Hope——Apple's Innovation Machine Churns
Out Another Game-changing Device
Unit 6 E-Commerce
Text A In E-Commerce, More Is More
Text B The Alibaba E-Commerce Empire
Supplementary Reading
Online Shopping: Selling Becomes Sociable
Unit 7 Econonuc Globalization and Multinational Corporation
Text A Globalization vs. Economic Sovereignty
Text B The World's Top Choice——-China Remains the Most Popular
Destination for Foreign Direct Investment
Supplementary Reading
McDonald's Eyes Growing Presence in Local Market
Unit 8 Economic Regulations and Law
Text A U.S.Sets 21st Century Goal: Building a Better Patent
Text B Anti-trust Law Treats "All Firms Equally" Over 140 Cases
Handled; Rules
in Line With International Principles
Supplementary Reading
China E-commerce Giant Launches Campaign to Fight Online
Unit 9 Economic Crisis
Text A The Great Depression
Text B U.S.Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Supplementary Reading
10 Ways to Manage Your Money in Economic Crisis
Unit 10 Human Resources Management
Text A Capturing the State of Human Resources in An Annual
Text B The Tech Effect On Human Resources
Supplementary Reading
Risk Management and Human Resources Team Up to Cut Absence
Unit 11 Advertising and Publicity
Text A Internet Advertising
Text B Beijing Tries to Push beyond " Made in China"
Supplementary Reading
The Harder Hard Sell
Unit 12 Training
Unit 13 Corporate Culture
Unit 14 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Unit 15 WTO & China
Key to Exercises
Text B Ann Moore: The CEO of Time 导读:30多年以来,时代集团总裁安·穆尔女士目睹了杂志业的演变、兴衰。如今,杂志业处境艰难,穆尔女士拟将技术作为解决手段,让科技重振杂志业。她说:“这个行业需要使用科学技术,并使之成为我们的优势。” There are few things that unnerve Ann Moore, the chief executive of Time Inc, America's largest magazine company, as much as young Americans' "shock" when they hear that her firm will have to start charging them. " Real reporting takes time and money and effort," she says. "Somebody does have to pay for the Baghdad bureau. " A recession is a difficult time to convince readers that they need to start paying for information, however, particularly because Time Inc, a division of Time Wamer, a media giant, has long made its articles available free online. But a new model is needed, and Ms. Moore is trying all sorts of things in her effort to find one. On March 18th her company launched Mine, for example, a new concept that allows readers to go online and select articles from eight titles, for delivery in print or online as a free, personalized magazine.lf this proves popular, the company may start charging for it.This nifty scheme highlights Time Inc's eagemess to attract readers to its magazines-but its ambivalence about adding a price tag. As the boss of a company which oversees 120 magazine titles including Time, People, Sports Illustrated and Fortune, Ms. Moore faces the difficult task of keeping magazines relevant as household budgets shrink, the appeal of free content online grows, and advertisers reduce their spending. At some of her magazines, such as Time, advertising revenues are down by around 300/o compared with this time last year, according to Media Industry Newsletter. Ms. Moore has had to tear up her company's five-year plan and draft a new two-year one instead, focusing on two things: intemal reorganization and innovation. After laying off around 600 people, Ms. Moore has restructured the firm into three units- news, entertainment and lifestyle-grouping together magazines with similar material, advertisers and audiences. The aim is to maintain editorial quality while increasing efficiency, because titles can share writers and articles and pool resources for functions, such as subscription services. Ms. Moore has also turned her attention to training, launching "Time Inc University" ,a senes of seminars led by Time executives on topics such as branding and teamwork, in February. Ms Moore will teach one of these seminars herself. Ms. Moore has seen the magazine industry evolve, and weather technological shifts, for over three decades. She graduated from Harvard Business School in 1978 with 13 job offers, including one from Time Inc. She accepted it, even though it paid the least, because she had grown up reading Time and dreamt of working at Sports Illustrated. She started as a financial analyst and rose to become associate publisher of Sports Illustrated, but it soon became clear to her that the magazine, a very male title at a company dominated by men, would not make her publisher in a hurry. So she moved to People in 1991, and helped make it one of the most profitable magazines in the world. ……
《通识教育系列丛书》是为大学英语通识教育课程专门开发的,系列丛书按照主题分类,每本自成体系。按照各主题的实际要求来编写。内容涵盖当今热点领域旅游、汽车、商务、新闻。 书中内容的组织遵从寓教于乐的原则,即力求让学生在领略、欣赏某主题精彩内容的同时,掌握语言知识、训练语言在各领域的应用能力。 为强化学习效果,书中配以大量练习题。
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