

王洪杰 主编 北京航空航天大学出版社





王洪杰 主编  




  《英语床头灯:爱情故事》中收录的故事均有精彩优美的“译文参考”与辅助阅读的“词汇点拨”,可以帮助您轻松完成对美文的鉴赏;“脱口秀”则为您提供了最为广泛和丰富的口语表达素材;此外,作者对文章精辟独到的观点提炼更是直抵心灵深处,能带给您情感上的共鸣。  爱可能是简单的一句话、一个眼神或者一个动作,但在被爱的人眼中,这便是整个世界。生命短暂,面对爱情,我们应该学会珍惜——珍惜深爱着您的人,也珍惜真心爱着您的人。《英语床头灯:爱情故事》收录的经典故事,每一篇都如同一把灵动的钥匙,开启一扇情感之门。文章所谱写的爱情方程式,让你徜徉在爱情的浪漫王国之中,静静体味那心动的感觉,甜蜜的温馨和平淡的幸福,享受那永恒的瞬间。爱如花之芳香,温暖孤寂的灵魂。千万不要让真爱在等待中慢慢消逝,不要让真爱轻易地从身边悄然溜走。


编者:彭听 丛书主编:王洪杰 合著者:(美国)Chris Anderson (英国)Joe Vehling


Part 1 情人眼里出西施
Across a Crowded Room 房间另一端酌情缘
The Legend about the Rose 关于玫瑰酌传说
Beauty Is in the Eyes ofthe Beholder 情人眼里出西施
Twilight 暮光之城(节选)
Soul Mates Really Exist 心心相印的伴侣
How I Met My Husband 我是如何遇到我丈夫的
He Calls to Me 他向我召唤
Royal Romance 皇家罗曼史
Part 2 爱在旅途
The Many Faces of Love 爱的多面性
A Promise of Flowers 花的承诺
A Trip to the Supermarket 超市追忆
Love Is a Climate ofthe Heart 爱是一种心灵的氛围
Medicine for a Broken Heart 治疗受伤的心
The Necklace 项链(节选)
Dancing in the Aisles 通道漫舞
Money and Love 金钱与爱情
Part 3 真爱至上
The Mayonnaise War 蛋黄酱大战
Motheris Role Model in Son’S ChoiceofWife 男人择偶常以母亲为标准
I Want a Wife 我要一个老婆
Cymbeline 辛白林(节选)
Visions ofArt 爱的双眸
I SawanAngel Cry 我看到天使在哭
More than the Gifts 礼轻情深
Marriage and Health 婚姻与健康
You 你
Part 4 爱永不止息
Happy Marriage Is from Emotional Maturity 幸福的婚姻与年龄无关
Love in the Setting Sun 爱在黄昏
Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见(节选)
A Love Story爱的故事
Grandpa’S Valentine 爷爷的情人卡
Shakespeare’S Sonnets(116)莎士比亚十四行诗(第116)
Close Companions 亲密伴侣
1℃Love 1℃的爱情
The Music of Love 爱之乐章
Lemonade and a Love Story 柠檬汽水和一个爱情故事.
Shmily 看我多么爱你
Part 5 大声说出你的爱
100/0 Love 100比的爱
People Can’t Read Your Mind 人们不可能读懂你的心思
The Fudhest Distance in the World 世界上虽遥远的距离
Express Your Love.Don’t Buy It 说你爱我吧,只是别用钱
Warand Peace战争与和平(节选)
Protect What You Own 珍惜你所拥有的
Saying。Like。Instead of “Love”喜欢,不说爱
Part 6 爱在离别时
Wondrous Moment 英妙的瞬间
She Left Her Shoes 她留下了她的鞋子
She’S Moved on。and I Can’t Handle It 旧情难舍
IfTime Came Back假如时光可以倒流
The Lady of the Camellias茶花女(节选)
Story of Regret 追悔莫及
The Story爱情小故事
Test ofTrue Love 真爱酌考验
Never Say Goodbye 永不说再见


版权页:She was not beautiful; nothing about her was extraordinary, nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd. She grew up in a family of six. As the eldest, she learnt responsibility at an early age. As she grew stronger, and brighter, she instilled a sort of light cheer to whomever she met.She was not beautiful, but she made others feel beautiful about themselves. She met a rebel boy who thought he was all man. Befriending him, she taught him how to read, a little boost the man needed to go to college. They became friends fast and she fell fast in love with her rugged, handsome student. The "man" then found himself in a dilemma. He soon found himself in love with a girl, a girl so beautiful. Her hair was a halo of light around her, her eyes the bluest blue of ocean. Like an angel he told his tutor, like a beautiful angel. The girl swallowed a lump at her throat.She was not beautiful, she did not possess the heart of the one she loved, but she did not care. As long as he was happy, she would be or so she tried to. She helped him write the most beautiful letter to his angel, all the time envisioning that it was she herself receiving those very letters. And so the girl helped him choose the right words, and the right gifts for his angel. His angel brought him much joy, and much pain to the girl who cried behind her smiles, but that never stopped her from giving more than she would ever receive.Then one day, all hell broke loose. The angel he loved left him for another man, a richer, more successful man. The boy was stunned; he was so hurt and did not speak for days. The girl went to him, he cried on her shoulder and she cried with him. He hurt and so did she.Time went by, and so the wounds healed. The boy realized something about his friend/tutor he never realized before. How her laughter sounded heavenly, or how her smiles brightened up the darkest days, or simply how beautiful, yes beautiful she looked to him!Beautiful. This plain, simple girl was beautiful to him. And he began to fall, fall so deeply in love with this beautiful girl.On one day, he picked up all his courage to see her. He walked to her house, nervous and fidgeting. Running his thoughts over and over in his head, he was going to tell her how beautiful she was to him, he was going to tell her how wonderfully in love he was with her. He knocked, no one was home.






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