商务周刊、 汉定佳和 新星出版社 (2010-12出版)
《环保承诺的实现(英文)》内容简介:During the referm and opening-up initiatedin late 1978, China has step by step fusedintn the international society. This meansthat envirnnmental protection in Chinabenefits the world as a whole. With theconstant enhancement of its overall nationalstrength, China enjoys a rising internatinnalstatus and influence. The settlement of manyinternational environmental issues calls forChinese participation and effnrt. At present,China is in a position to render a greatcontribution to the international environmentand its sustainable improvement.
ContentsChapter 1 Chinas CommitmentChapter 2 Chinese PracticeChapter 3 Responsibility of the Great PowersChapter 4 The Post-Copenhagen Era
版权页:插图:Due to the gradual disappearance of traditional international trade bar-riers, environment and ecology have become commonly used means forinternational trade protectionism in recent years. With the development ofeconomic globalization and increasingly fierce international competition,the relevance between trade and environment is constantly strengthened,and exercises an increasingly profound influence on global political and eco-nomic patterns and sustainable development. Negotiations on new WTOrules show how environmental externality has now become a major part ofthe international trade policy system. Despite the fact that the WTO is notexactly an environmental organization, it has a duty of protecting the envi-ronment, and most of its trade agreements touch on this.In recent years, international-trade competition has been getting tougherand the requirements on environmental protection standards have accord-ingly become stricter; more and more environmental protection measuresare being formulated to cover a constantly widening range of economicsectors so that almost all industries are now covered, which has become animportant means of competition. For instance, frequently promulgated andmodified environment-related laws and regulations have evolved into man-datory requirements on process and production methods (PPMs) from theinitial environmental requirements for the final product.