

曹波 曹波、 蒋洪新 外语教学与研究出版社 (2011-03出版)



曹波、 蒋洪新 外语教学与研究出版社 (2011-03出版)  










IntroductionChapter 1 Beckett's Novels and Lacanianism1.1 Contemporary Criticisms of Beckett's Novels1.2 Psychoanalysis and Beckett's Novels1.3 Postmodernism and Beckett's Novels1.4 The Feasibility of a Lacanian StudyChapter 2 Murphy: Dilemmas of Narcissus2.1 Schizophrenia of the Cogito2.2 Void Fantasy of the Subject2.3 Indifference of NarcissusChapter 3 Watt: Epistemological Crises and Mirror-Narration3.1 Identity Crises of Father and Son3.2 Watt's Linguistic Crisis3.3 Ambiguities of Mirror-NarrationChapter 4 Molloy: Dilemmas of Oedipus and Mirror-Writing4.1 Fetishism, Scatology and Games of Oedipus4.2 Crucifixion of Father and Son4.3 Darkness of the MirrorChapter 5 Malone Dies: the Endgame of Writing5.1 Crucifixion of the Author5.2 The Endgame of Writing5.3 Reflections of the SubjectChapter 6 The Unnamable: the Subject's Absence6.1 The Locutor's Paradox6.2 The Self's Endgame6.3 Fantasies of the Non-SubjectChapter 7 Dilemmas and Desire of the Subject7.1 Dilemmas of the Subject7.2 The Projection of Desire.Chapter 8 Studies of Beckett's Novels in China8.1 A Survey of Beckett Criticism in China8.2 Key Perspectives and Views8.3 Transitions and CompensationsBibliographyAppendixesI Void and Dissolution of Beckettian ProtagonistsII The Study and Translation of S. BeckettIII Beckett's Novels in ChinaIV Beckett's Art of the Theater of the AbsurdV The Nobel Prize in Literature 1969VI Works Cited in AppendixesIndexesI Beckett Criticism in ChinaII Chinese Translations of Beckett's WorksⅢ Works by S. BeckettAfterword


版权页:So far, these initial psychoanalyses of Beckett's writing in relation to his problematic life have been fruitful in the sense that they have provided some fresh interpretations of Beckett's labyrinthic fiction. Indeed, Beckett's irrational psyche has determined his modes of cognition and expression to a great extent. A normal person, perceiving the world from a reasonable and widely accepted point of view, values the phenomena of the world in a universally shared language and gains pleasure of identification and psychological security from social communication; whereas Beckett, the gloomy and pessimistic writer, tends to observe the universe from a seemingly nihilistic perspective typical of schizophrenics, and sees only what appears chaotic to normal people for want of a usual pattern of perception or a healthy psyche.Escaping from the outside world, Beckett dips deep into the whirls of unconsciousness where such notions as subject, language and structure have little impact and puts in his somewhat meta-fiction those necessary elements of traditional fiction to the point of disruption. With the dissolution of rationality, which Descartes sees as the basis of knowledge, chaos for Beckett becomes the truth of the world so that his novels, appearing all the more nihilistic to traditional readers, become as chaotic as present deconstructive novels. With such an abnormal psyche, Beckett is "damned to [the] fame" of being the first important postmodernist novelist.







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