(澳)韦津利 著
“剑桥英语教师丛书”精选自剑桥大学出版社出版的英语教师教育领域的力作,并由国内英语教育界专家、学者撰写导读。 本丛书从英语语言教学的理论和实践两个层面,为英语教师的教学实践提供理论指导,并为英语教师的在职教育和终生职业发展提供丰富的资源;供在职英语教师和英语语言教学研究者,尤其是英语教育专业的研究生学习使用。
导读ThanksAcknowledgmentsPart One Introduction Observation as a learning too1 who is this book for? Why a book on observation? How the tasks are organised HOWtOusethetasks A word of cautionPart Two The tasks 1 The learner 1.1 Attending to the learner 1.2 Learner motivation 1.3 Thc learner as doer 1.4 Learnerlevel 1.5 The learner as cuhural being 2 Language 2.1 The teacher'S meta-1anguage 2.2 The language of questions 2.3 The language of feedback to error 2.4 Language echoes 2.5 Language as the negotiation of meaning 3 Learning 3.1 The learning environment 3.2 Checking learning 3.3 Learning and teaching compared 3.4 Learning aims 3.5 Lexis and learning 4 The lesson 4.1 Lesson planning 4.2 0penings and closures 4.3 Lesson phases and transitions 4.4 Grammar as lesson content 4.5 Lesson breakdowns 5 Teaching skills and strategies 5.1 Presenting 5.2 Eliciting:teacher prompts 5.3 Eliciting:teacher responses 5.4 Giving instructions 5.5 Managing error 6 Classroom management 6.1 Managing classroom communication 6.2 Managing pair and group work 6.3 Teaching and learning roles 6.4 Timing and pace 6.5 Classroom power 7 Materials and resources 7.1 ThC board as resource 7.2 The learner as resource 7.3 'Whole-learner'materials 7.4 Task analysis 7.5 Task design and evaluationBibliographyTask indexIndex
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