List of Abbreviatio List of FiguresList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Theoretical Background1.2.1 Cognitive Linguistics1.2.2 Contrastive Linguistics1.2.3 Linguistic Typology1.3 Terminologies1.3.1 Lexicalization and Lexicalization Patter 1.3.2 Motion Events and Motion Verbs1.4 Organization of the BookChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Review of Formulatio of Motion Events2.2.1 Source-Path-Goal Formulation of Fillmore, Lakoff and Joh on2.2.2 Talmy's Figure-Motion-Path-Ground Characterization2.2.3 Accounts of Langacker and Jackendoff2.3 Review of Research on Lexicalization Patter of Motion Events and Motion Verbs2.3.1 Talmy's Theory of Typology for Motion Verbs2.3.1.1 Motion + Manner/Cause2.3.1.2 Motion + Path2.3.1.3 Motion + Figure2.3.1.4 A Typology for Motion Verbs2.3.2 Talmy's Typology for the Lexicalization Patter of Motion Events2.3.3 Other Related Studies and Problems Concerning Research in Chinese2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Research Questio and Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Major Types of Motion Verbs in English and Chinese3.3 Basic Uses of Motion Verbs in English and Chinese3.4 Research Questio and Basic Hypotheses of the Present Study3.5 Methodology and Data3.6 SummaryChapter 4 A Quantitative Study of Motion Verbs in English and Chinese4.1 Introduction4.2 A Quantitative Study of Motion Verbs in English and Chinese in Literal Use4.2.1 Samples and Procedures4.2.2 Results and Discussio Frequency of Use of Manner and Path Verbs in English and Chinese4.2.2.2 Dive ity of Use of Manner and Path Verbs in English and Chinese4.2.2.3 Frequency of Use of Alternative Manner Expressio in English and Chinese4.3 A Quantitative Study of Motion Verbs in English and Chinese in Metaphorical Use4.3.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Metaphorical Motion4.3.2 Samples and Procedures4.3.3 Results and Discussio Target Domai and Types of Mapping of Spatial Motion in English and Chinese4.3.3.2 Frequency of Use of Manner and Path Verbs in English and Chinese4.3.3.3 Dive ity of Use of Manner and Path Verbs in English and Chinese4.3.3.4 Use of Alternative Manner Expressio in English and Chinese4.4 A Survey of Motion Verbs in English and Chinese Dictionaries4.5 SummaryChapter 5 A Contrastive Study of Manner Verbs Between English and Chinese5.1 Introduction5.2 Similarities in Manner Verbs Between English and Chinese5.3 Differences in Manner Verbs Between English and Chinese5.4 SummaryChapter 6 A Contrastive Study of Path Verbs Between English and Chinese6.1 Introduction6.2 Path Verbs in English6.3 Path Verbs in Chinese6.3.1 Path Verbs as a Colloquial Lexicalization Pattern6.3.2 Double Features of Chinese Path Verbs6.3.3 Grammaticalization of Chinese Path Verbs6.4 Implicatio for Conceptualization6.5 SummaryChapter 7 Typological Shift of Chinese Motion Verbs and Its Mechanism7.1 Introduction7.2 Different Characteristics in the Use of Motion Verbs Between English and Chinese7.3 Typological Shift of Chinese Motion Verbs and Its Mechanism7.4 SummaryChapter 8 Concluding Remarks8.1 Major Contributio of the Present Study8.2 Implicatio for Tra lation8.3 Limitatio and Suggestio for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix (Novels Used in the Quantitative Study of Motion Verbs)后记