Preface 自序
Musings and Inspirations
感 悟 篇
001 Sun, Moon, Man —— Three Poems 山坡羊——日月人三首
002 Sun-Watching 五绝——观日
003 Qiantang River Tides 七绝——钱塘观潮
004 Morning Shadowboxing 五古——晨练太极
005 In Honor of a Friend 长相思——赠友
006 Ode to Diversiform-Leaved Poplar 七绝——胡杨林赞
007 Ode to Plum Blossom 卜算子-咏梅
008 Insomnia 七绝——难眠
009 On Reading Jia Dao’s Poem 七绝——读贾岛诗词有感
010 Night Gives Way to Day 七绝——夜尽日圆
011 Say No to Wishful Thinking 七绝-戒妄
012 Evils of the Day 七律——时弊
013 Keep Off Fame and Gain 五绝——淡泊人生
014 Ode to Moral Integrity 五绝——气节赞
015 My Study 五绝——书斋
016 Anticipation 五绝——企盼
017 Practicing Calligraphy 古风——学书
018 On Reading “Tao Te Ching” 七绝——读《道德经》
019 Thoughts on Learning Poetry 五绝——学诗
020 Reading into Midnight 五绝——夜读
021 Tangible Things I —— Six Poems 五绝——咏物六首
022 Tangible Things II —— Six Poems 五绝——咏物又六首
023 Tangible Things —— Four Poems 五绝——咏物四首
024 Reflections —— Four Poems 七绝——感悟四首
025 The Peony 七律——牡丹
026 Reader’s Ruminations —— Ten Poems 七绝——读书者言十首
027 Poetry Society Turns Twenty 七律——贺中华诗词学会成立二十周年
028 Calligraphy Makes Heritage List 七律——贺中国书法申遗成功
029 To Know More of Man 五言排律——自知人尚浅
030 To Poetry Society’s Third Congress七绝——写在中华诗词学会三大召开之际
031 Pining for the East 古风——望东方
032 A Test of Will 西江月——考验
033 Lunar Halo Bodes Wind 七律——月晕当风
034 Voyage to a Remote Clime 沁园春——远航
035 Unbosoming Myself at Sixty-Five 七律——六五述怀
036 A Maxim in Eighty-One Words 三言诗——九九箴言
Family Bliss and Camaraderie
寄 情 篇
037 Twentieth Anniversary of Father’s Death 古风——先父去世二十年祭
038 Mother’s Eightieth Birthday 七绝——母亲八十华诞
039 First Date 苏幕遮——初约
040 First Anniversary of Wedding Day 七律——结婚周年寄语
041 Silver Wedding Anniversary 钗头凤——银婚
042 Touring Fragrance Hill with Wife 七绝——与夫人秋游香山
043 Waiting 蝶恋花——盼
044 Pearl Wedding Anniversary 钗头凤——珍珠婚
045 On Wife’s Sixtieth Birthday 五绝——花甲祝福赠夫人
046 Sleeping Daughter 五绝——小女恬睡
047 On Reading Daughter’s Maiden Work 忆江南——喜读初作
048 To My Daughter I 五律——示女
049 To My Daughter II 七绝——示女
050 Daughter’s Wedding 江城子——小女出嫁
051 Foetal Pulse 七绝——听小女胎音
052 Birth of Grandson 七绝——外孙出生
053 Home from Work 七律——下班归来
054 Jiajia Turns Three 七律——戏作于外孙嘉嘉三周岁之际
055 Jiajia’s “Wrath” 七绝——嘉嘉的“烦恼”
056 Birth of Younger Grandson —— Five Poems 七绝——贺小外孙出生戏作五首
057 Mid-Autumn Abroad —— Two Poems 七绝——异国中秋夜二首
058 Mid-Autumn Loneliness Revisited 天净沙——又值中秋
059 Seeing Off Classmates 六州歌头——送友远征
060 Alumni Off to Inner Mongolia 江城子——送学友赴内蒙古
061 At Summer Palace with Pals 江城子——与友游园
062 A School Gathering 七绝——同窗聚会
063 To Pals 七律——至友
064 After-Lunch Stroll 五律——饭后漫步
065 To a Friend 五律——赠友
066 In Reply to Colleagues 七律——奉和友人
067 Honing the Art of Poesy 浣溪沙——学诗
068 On Reading Qu Yuan’s Rhymes 七绝——读《屈骚流韵》四种
069 Magnolia Festival at Dajue Temple 七绝——大觉寺玉兰节沈鹏先生诗词研讨会有感
070 In Reply to Shen Peng 五律——读沈鹏《三余诗词选》
071 A Gathering of Calligrapher-Poets
072 In Reply to Master Shen Peng 七绝——奉答沈鹏先生《戏赠马凯》
The Vicissitudes
沧 桑 篇
073 Long Road to Revival —— Three Poems 满江红——漫漫复兴路三首
074 Turn of New Millennium 减字木兰花——千年交替夜
075 Fiftieth National Day 南歌子——新中国五十华诞
076 Party’s Eightieth Birthday 东风第一枝——中国共产党八十华诞
077 First Anniversary of Mao’s Death 沁园春——纪念毛泽东逝世一周年
078 Mao’s 110th Birthday —— Three Poems 蝶恋花——纪念毛泽东诞辰一百一十周年三首
079 In Memory of Premier Zhou 忆秦娥——怀念周恩来总理
080 Deng’s Birthday Centennial 七律——纪念邓小平百年诞辰
081 Sixtieth Year of V-Day 满江红——抗日战争胜利六十周年
082 The Party’s Ninetieth Birthday 浪淘沙——中国共产党成立九十周年感怀
083 Condemning a US Atrocity 七绝——斥美恶行
084 Horticultural Exposition —— Two Poems 天净沙——参观世博会二首
085 Ponds in Bazhong 天净沙——巴中池园农家
086 Xining-Lhasa Railway 江城子——贺青藏铁路开工
087 Bid for Olympics Rewarded 五律——庆北京申奥成功
088 Beijing Paralympics 七律——写在北京奥运会残奥会圆满落幕之际
089 Damming Three Gorges 相见欢——三峡导流明渠截流观战
090 Ode to SARS Fighters 采桑子——赞抗非典白衣战士
091 First Manned Flight 相见欢——贺我国首次载人航天飞船发射成功
092 Greeting “ShenzhouVII” 相见欢——贺神舟七号发射成功
093 Thoughts on Lost Treasures 秋月夜——故宫国宝感怀
094 Journey West 东风第一枝——西行随访
095 At Negotiation Table 七绝——与某国项目谈判有感
096 Storming Luding Bridge 五言排律——红军飞夺泸定天堑
097 Roaming Winter Palace 七言排律——冬宫感怀
098 Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum 五律——拜谒胡志明纪念堂
099 Battling Floods —— Ten Poems 组诗——抗洪十首
100 Battering Blizzards —— Ten Poems 组诗——抗雪十首
101 When Earthquake Struck —— Ten Poems 组诗——抗震十首
Scenes and Sights
揽 胜 篇
102 Exploring Orchid Pavilion 七律——兰亭探游
103 Du Fu’s Thatch’d Cottage 七绝——寻访杜甫草堂
104 Temple of Marquis Wu, Nanyang 七言排律——南阳武侯祠感怀
105 In Memory of King Yu at Huaiyuan 七古——怀远祭禹
106 Reminiscing the Dujiang Weir 五言排律——都江堰感怀
107 Mounting the Yueyang Tower 七绝——登岳阳楼
108 Yunju Temple Stone Inscriptions 采桑子——观云居寺石刻
109 The Lijiang River 五律——漓江行
110 Lean West Lake 七律——瘦西湖游
111 A Trip to Mount Huangshan 五言排律——黄山行
112 First Visit to Nine-Hamlet Gully 七律——初游九寨沟
113 Lijiang City —— Two Poems 天净沙——丽江游二首
114 Golden Whip Stream at Zhangjiajie 七律——随行张家界金鞭溪
115 Springtime Beijing Arboretum 七律——春游北京植物园
116 Hongholji Timberland, Hulunbuir Steppe
117 Scaling Mount Tai 七律——登泰山
118 Springtime Lingyan Temple 七律——春游灵岩寺
119 Kettle Spout Waterfalls 清平乐——壶口观瀑
120 Visiting Yuanjiajie Resort 七律——游袁家界
121 Boating on New West Lake 七律——游新西湖
122 Spring-Day Arashiyama 七绝——春日游岚山
123 The Bosphorus Bridge 江城子——博斯普鲁斯海峡大桥
124 Ancient Egyptian Riddles 虞美人——埃及古谜
125 Four Seasons —— Four Poems 青玉案——春夏秋冬四首
山坡羊•日月人三首Sun, Moon, Man • Three Poems— to “Hillside Ram” (Shan po yang)红日2003年拔白破夜,吐红化雪,云开雾散春晖泻。煦相接,绿相偕,东来紫气盈川岳。最是光明洒无界。升,也烨烨;落,也烨烨。I. Red Sun2003O Sun, with white rays you break the night;Emitting red light, the snow you meltUntil fog gives way and spring leaps into sight.Splendor your portent;Lush green your escort.To fill vale and hill you send purple rays from the East;The most promising light you boundlessly disseminate.Rising, You are brilliant;Setting, You remain brilliant.明月1992年星空银厦,粼波倒塔,小桥倩影谁描画?皓无瑕,素无华,悄悄来去静无价。只把清辉留天下。来,无牵挂;去,无牵挂。II. Bright Moon1992Star-spangled sky, silvery galaxy,A pagoda reflected in a pond wavy.Who painted the tiny bridge so dainty?So chaste, without blemish;So modest, without flash. In priceless serenity, you wax and wane,Shedding but placid light down heaven.Coming,You are carefree;Going,You remain carefree.自在人1992年胸中有海,眼底无碍,呼吸宇宙通天脉。伴春来,润花开,只为山河添新彩。试问安能常自在?名,也身外;利,也身外。III. Man in Himself1992He who in his heart has the oceanSees no obstacle in his vision,For he respires in universe, connects with heaven.Coming with Spring,Sending flowers blooming,He’s there to give hill and dale a touch finishing.How can he always be himself within?Fame,To him is mundane;Gain,Too, is mundane.410-417页青玉案•春夏秋冬四首1973年5月寻春1981年春春天悄悄生何处?乘归燕,新芽住。踏草寻芳香引路。俏了杏花,忙了布谷,惹得群蜂舞。开河顺水移舟渡,暖地催苗破土出。借得昨宵丝润雨。吮了甘露,绿了千树,何处无春驻?II. Summer Vacationing 2002Where to go and shun the sultry sun?Beyond the tiny bridge, Down the deep dale.Thick foliage shields roads shadowless.Root’d in a limpid rill,Leaning close to a dingle,Green weeds in the wind dance and dangle.Sitting in a pavilion I view clouds scurrying;Lying by a brook I hear melodies gurgling.Rain fails me not, for it puts me in a poetic mood.Leisure verse collected, Shady trees transplanted,How can heat waves disturb a serene heart? Translated by Ren Xiaomei消夏2002年夏骄阳烈烈消何处?小桥外,深山住。茂木遮空无影路。着清涧,傍着幽谷,碧草习习舞。亭间坐看云飞渡,溪畔卧听曲流出。不废洗天催赋雨。得陶然句,种连荫树,心静何炎驻。III. Greeting Autumn1981Whither the autumn wind that soughs?At the fragrance hills.Where red dyed are leaves,With paths strewn with fallen yellow petals.Moisten’d by White Dew3 globules,Ripening crops take on golden hues,Accompanying wild geese southward she flies.Load’d boats set sail to shuttle on rivers,Flaunting hardy mums4 make eyes.The sun sets upon a rainbow seven-hued.Apples have turned red; Heavy with pears, trees bend. Grey hairs relish their youth new-found.Translated by Ren Xiaomei迎秋1981年秋秋风飒飒留何处?染红叶,香山住。吹落黄花洒满路。沾了白露,熟了金谷,伴雁南飞舞。帆扬仓满穿梭渡,菊展姿奇婀娜出。夕照长虹七彩雨。红了苹果,弯了梨树,白发喜颜驻。IV. Goodbye, Winter2002Whither the swirling crystal flowers?All o’er the place, Ere they upon pear boughs land.In this blinding world nowhere is the road.Hazy the sea of cloud,In white the dale is clad;Who’s dancing with silvery ribbon in hand?Braving the chilly wind, plum aroma roves;When the evening ends, ’tis time for the sun to rise.Better than rain are melting ice and thawing snows.Having nurtur’d barren soils,Awaken’d hibernating trees,They’ll wait till spring returns.Translated by Ren Xiaomei送冬2002年冬琼花袅袅飘何处?漫无际,梨枝住。满目茫茫难见路。皓弥云海,素装群谷,谁持银绸舞。风寒自有梅香渡,夜尽正迎太阳出。雪化冰融犹胜雨。沃了荒野,醒了眠树,只待春回驻。
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