于梦楠,李佳铌 编译
Chapter 1 Background of 007
Section 1 Who is James Bond?
Section 2 The creator of James Bond: Ian Fleming
Section 3 Creation and Inspiration
Section 4 Military Intelligence 6
Chapter 2 James Bond film series
Section 1 Dr. No
《 诺博士》
Section 2 From Russia With Love
《 来自俄罗斯的爱》
Section 3 Goldfinger
《 金手指》
Section 4 Thunderball
《 霹雳弹》
Section 5 You Only Live Twice
《 雷霆谷》
Section 6 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
《 女皇密使》
Section 7 Diamonds Are Forever
《 金刚钻》
Section 8 Live and Let Die
《 生死关头》
Section 9 The Man with the Golden Gun
《 金枪人》
Section 10 The Spy Who Loved Me
《 海底城》
Section 11 Moonraker
《 太空城》
Section 12 For Your Eyes Only
《 最高机密》
Section 13 Octopussy
《 八爪女》
Section 14 A View to a Kill
《 雷霆杀机》
Section 15 The Living Daylights
《 黎明生机》
Section 16 Licence to Kill
《 杀人执照》
Section 17 GoldenEye
《 黄金眼》
Section 18 Tomorrow Never Dies
《 明日帝国》
Section 19 The World Is Not Enough
《 黑日危机》
Section 20 Die Another Day
《 择日而亡》
Section 21 Casino Royale
《 皇家赌场》
Section 22 Quantum of Solace
《 量子危机》
Chapter 3 The characters in James Bond films
Section 1 James Bond in the films
Section 2 Bond Girls
Section 3 Villains
Section 4 007’s allies
“ 007”的同僚
Chapter 4 007’s vehicles
Section 1 Automobiles
汽 车
Section 2 Aircraft
飞 机
Section 3 Marine vehicles
Chapter 5 007’s gadgets and guns
Section 1 Watches
手 表
Section 2 Mobile phones
手 机
Section 3 Cameras
Section 4 Guns
Section 5 Glasses
眼 镜
Section 6 Suitcases
Section 7 Pens
Section 8 Rings
戒 指
Section 9 Other gadgets
Chapter 6 Analysis of the 007 films
Section 1 Opening sequence
片 头
Section 2 Chase scenes
Chapter 7 Memorable quotes
詹姆斯·邦德,代号"007",是作家伊恩·弗莱明于1953年创作的小说中的人物。弗莱明一共写了12本"007"小说及2本短篇小说集。1964年弗莱明逝世后,其他6位作家被授权创作官方邦德小说或由电影剧本改编小说,他们是金斯利·艾米斯、克里斯托弗·伍德、约翰·加德纳、雷蒙·班森、塞巴斯蒂安·佛克斯和杰弗里·迪弗。另外,由威廉·博伊德创作的另一本邦德小说预计会在2013年出版。除此之外,查理·海格森创作了3部关于少年邦德的小说,凯特·韦斯特布鲁克也根据另外一位小说人物玛尼佩妮的系列日记创作了3本小说。 詹姆斯·邦德出生于19世纪20年代,父亲安德鲁·邦德是苏格兰人,母亲莫妮卡·邦德是瑞士人。詹姆斯出生6天后,父亲就为他申请伊顿公学。19世纪30年代初期,他的父母在法国一次登山事故中遇难,而就在那时邦德收到了伊顿公学的有条件录取通知书。 在父母去世后,邦德由姑姑邦德小姐收养,并一直居住在肯特郡。随后,邦德通过了伊顿公学的入学考试,成功进入该校学习。在他的第一个假期中,邦德游览了奥地利和瑞士,并在那儿学会了滑雪。 然而仅仅过了两个学期,邦德因为和一个同学的女朋友发生了纠纷,结果被告知退学。于是邦德小姐设法将他转学到费蒂斯中学,那是詹姆斯父亲的母校。 邦德15岁时成为一个狂热的高尔夫爱好者,而邦德的创造者伊恩·弗莱明的爱好也是打高尔夫球。邦德经常在皇家圣马克高尔夫球场,或者是在奥地利和瑞士打球。邦德17岁时,父亲的一个老朋友为邦德给海军部写了一封推荐信。在第二次世界大战爆发前不久,邦德便开始在那儿工作,并学会了赌博中出老千的技巧,同时也开始与一些外国机构合作。 "二战"爆发后不久,邦德开始了他职业特工的生涯,加入了特别行动组。行动组后来改名为特种部队。在国外工作了很多年后,邦德于1949年被派回伦敦。不久后,邦德成为了"00"级特工,代号"007"。紧接着,邦德得到了他的第一个任务--前往皇家赌场参加一场充满各种阴谋和技巧的惊心动魄的比赛。 Section 2 The creator of James Bond: Ian Fleming 詹姆斯·邦德的创造者:伊恩·弗莱明 Ian Lancaster Fleming was born in Green Street in London on 28th May 1908, the second of four brothers. He was educated at Eton College and then abroad in Germany and Austria. After an early career at Reuters news agency, he became a stockbroker. Fleming was recruited in May 1939 by Rear Admiral John Godfrey, Director of Naval Intelligence of the Royal Navy, to become his personal assistant. He joined the organisation full time in August 1939, with the codename "17F", and worked out of Room 39 at The Admiralty. As part of his appointment, Fleming was commissioned into the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve in July 1939, initially as lieutenant, but promoted to commander by September 1939. Fleming proved to be an excellent PA for Godfrey, with a talent for administration. A prickly character who made a number of enemies within government circles, Godfrey used Fleming as a liaison with other sections of the government wartime administration, such as the Secret Intelligence Service, the Political Warfare Executive, the Special Operations Executive (SOE), the Joint Intelligence Committee and the Prime Minister's staff. Soon after the start of the war, Godfrey published a memorandum on 29 September 1939 which was largely written by Fleming. It was called the Trout Memo and compared the deception of an enemy in wartime to fly fishing. The memo contained a number of schemes to be considered for use against the Axis powers to lure U-boats and German surface ships towards minefields. Number 28 on the list was an idea to plant misleading papers on a corpse that would be found by the enemy; this suggestion formed the basis of Operation Mincemeat in1943. In 1940, Fleming and Godfrey contacted Kenneth Mason, Professor of Geography at Oxford University, about the preparation of reports on the geography of countries involved in military operations. These reports were the precursors of the Naval Intelligence Division Geographical Handbook Series produced between 1941 and 1946. Fleming also worked with Colonel "Wild Bill" Donovan, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's special representative on intelligence co-operation between London and Washington. In May 1941 Fleming accompanied Godfrey to the United States, where he assisted in writing a blueprint for the Office of the Coordinator of Information, the department which turned into the Office of Strategic Services and eventually became the CIA. In 1941-42 Admiral Godfrey put Fleming in charge of Operation Golden Eye, a plan to maintain an intelligence framework in Spain in the event of a German takeover of the territory. Fleming's plan involved maintaining communication with Gibraltar and launching sabotage operations against the Nazis. In 1941, Fleming liaised with Donovan over American involvement in a measure intended to ensure that the Germans did not dominate the seaways. It was his experience in this job that was to provide many of the characters and incidents that he was to write about later in the Bond books. In 1942, inspired by German intelligence commandos, Fleming began to shape the 30 Assault Unit (30AU), a detachment of intelligence personnel whose work was to accompany troops on raids with the purpose of obtaining intelligence, such as cyphers, and weapons. The unit grew from a strength of about 60 in 1942 to nearer 450 by the end of the war. Following the war he became foreign manager, in charge of foreign correspondents. But his creative imagination remained under wraps until 1952, when, at the age of 43, he settled down in his house in Jamaica, and produced-in not much more than two months-Casino Royale, the first adventure of James Bond. He published a further thirteen James Bond titles and lived to witness their enormous success, and having seen his character played by Sean Connery in the first two films, Dr. No and From Russia with Love. He married Anne Rothermere in 1952 and in August that year his only son, Caspar, was born. While convalescing from his first heart attack in 1962, he wrote a short story about a flying car for Caspar-Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Ian Fleming died, aged 56, on 12th August 1964 at Kent. It is unquestionably true that so much of what Ian saw and learnt in his role at the found its way into James Bond adventures. Admiral Godfrey is generally considered to be the inspiration for M. 1908年5月28日,伊恩?兰卡斯特·弗莱明出生在伦敦格林大街,在四兄弟中排行老二。他在伊顿公学上学,随后跟随父母去了德国和奥地利。 在路透社做了两年记者后,弗莱明改行做了股票经纪人。第二次世界大战爆发后,他于1939年5月成为海军少将、皇家海军情报部主任约翰?戈弗雷的助手。1939年8月,弗莱明正式进入皇家海军,代号"17F",并在海军部39号房间工作。作为任务的一部分,弗莱明授命于1939年7月加入皇家海军志愿后备队,并在1939年9月被提拔为中校。 弗莱明向戈弗雷证明了自己是一个非常优秀的助理,在管理执行方面富有天赋。戈弗雷的易怒性格使其在政府内部树敌无数,于是戈弗雷让弗莱明充当联络人的角色,与政府其他部门联络,如秘密情报局、政治战争行政部、特别行动执行部、联合情报委员会以及首相的工作人员。 战争开始后不久,戈弗雷在1939年9月29日发表了一份备忘录,其中的大部分内容是由弗莱明所写。这份备忘录被称为"鲑鱼备忘录",目的是用假诱饵将敌人钓上钩。该备忘录包括了一些有效的方案,例如德军引诱U型潜艇并使德国的舰艇驶向雷区。其中第28条方案是在被敌人发现的尸体上放上误导性的文件。这条建议就是1943年"肉糜行动"的基础纲要。 1940年,弗莱明和戈弗雷与牛津大学地理系教授肯尼斯·马森教授取得联系,商讨编写关于在军事行动中涉及国家的地理情况的报告。这些报告是1941~1946年间出版的《海军情报部地理手册系列》的草稿。 弗莱明还与"疯狂比尔"上校多诺万及罗斯福总统的特别代表一同开展伦敦和华盛顿之间的情报合作工作。1941年5月,弗莱明陪同戈弗雷前往美国,并协助完成新成立的情报机关的策划蓝图,这个部门后来演变成战略情报局,最终成为现在的中央情报局(CIA)。 1941~1942年,海军上将戈弗雷让弗莱明负责"黄金眼行动",这是一个针对纳粹入侵西班牙的临时行动。弗莱明的计划包括与直布罗陀保持沟通、启动反对纳粹的破坏行动等。1941年,弗莱明与多诺万取得联系,希望美国能够介入这场战争,确保德国不会占领海路。弗莱明的这次工作经验为日后邦德小说提供了很多人物和事件的素材。 1942年,弗莱明受到德国情报突击队的启发,组建起一支代号为"30冲锋队"的队伍(30AU)。他选拔出30名智勇双全、身手不凡的谍报高手组成先遣队。他们的任务并不是与任何敌人作战,而是收集第一手情报或向敌军散布假情报。随后,这支部队的人数增加到60人,直到战争快结束时,这支部队的人数增加到了450名。"30AU"显示了弗莱明独特的战略思维。不难看出,这几乎就是后来"007"系列小说的雏形。他当年精心挑选出的"30AU"中,那些各怀绝技的人物,最后都陆续出现在他的小说当中。 战争之后弗莱明成为报社的涉外经理,负责外国特派记者。那时,他的写作灵感并没有被激发,直到1952年,已经43岁的弗莱明在牙买加定居后才真正开始小说创作。在不到两个月的时间内就完成了讲述詹姆斯?邦德第一次冒险故事的小说《皇家赌场》。随后他出版了其他13本邦德小说,见证了这些小说所取得的成绩,同时也见证了由肖恩·康纳利出演邦德的两部影片《诺博士》和《来自俄罗斯的爱》。 弗莱明与安妮?罗瑟米尔于1952年结婚,同年8月,他们唯一的儿子卡斯帕出生了。1962年,弗莱明第一次心脏病发作,康复后,他为儿子卡斯帕写了一本关于飞行汽车的短篇小说,名叫《飞天万能车》。伊恩弗莱明于1964年8月12日在英国肯特郡去世,享年56岁。 毫无疑问,伊恩将自己在海军情报局工作的经历写进了詹姆斯·邦德的冒险故事中,海军上将也被认为是M的原型。 ……
世界上最伟大的特工,“我的名字是邦德,詹姆斯·邦德”,他冷酷而多情,机智且勇敢,总能在危难时化险为夷,也总能邂逅一段浪漫的爱情。《一本书读懂007:英、汉》带大家了解这位风度翩翩的绅士。 全球最卖座谍战电影,“007”影片已走过了50年的历史,007的影迷遍布世界各地,是一部最长久不衰的经典着作。 学英语,对专业英语及文化背景的深入了解和学习将是提升英语能力的必有之路。由此可见,《一本书读懂007:英、汉》为您奉上了原汁原味的人文阅读精华。海报: