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急人民所急,忧人民所忧put people’s interests first;making the desires and worries of the people one's own “急人民所急,忧人民所忧”——当地派出所因此受到赞扬。 The local police station was lauded for putting people’s interests first. 集思广益draw on collective wisdom of the people 通过集思广益,厂长决定将建新厂的计划推迟一年。 Drawing on the collective wisdom of the people,the president decided to post-jpone plans for setting up a new plant for a year. 集体承包be contracted to collectives;collective contract 国有土地、山地、草地、荒地、滩涂、水面,都可以承包给个人或者集体作为农业生产之用。 Land,mountains,grassland,barren land,sand and mud banks,and water surfaces owned by the state may be contracted to individuals or collectives for agricultural production. 集体婚礼group wedding ceremony 集体婚礼将在周日举行。 The group wedding ceremony will be held on Sunday. 集体经济collective economy 乡镇企业是集体经济的一种形式。 The township enterprise is a form of collective economy. 集体所有制collective ownership 一夜之间涌现出了大批私有制和集体所有制采矿企业。 Many mining enterprises under private and collective ownership mushroomed vernight. 集团消费institutional spending 他们在缩减集团消费方面提出了一些新建议。 New measures have been suggested for curbing institutional spending. 集约型经济增长模式intensive mode of economic growth 粗放型经济增长模式已经被集约型经济增长模式所取代。 The extensive mode of economic growth is being replaced by an intensive mode. 集装箱运输船container freighter 这艘6万吨级集装箱运输船属于世界大船之一。 The 60,000.ton container freighter is among the largest in the world. 集资raise funds;raise money 自8月以来,全国各地学生一直在为水灾灾民集资捐款。 Since August,students across the country have been raising money for flood vic 2月19日,两位高层领导人间的分歧导致挤兑事件,群众提取银行金额达75亿美 On February 19,the dispute between the two senior leaders led to a bank run of 计划单列市city with independent budgetary status 中国允许外资进入计划单列市,股权最高限制是65%。 China allows foreign funds to flow into cities with independent budgetary statuses,with the maximum stock share set at 65 percent. 计划经济planned economy;mandate economy 中国正从计划经济向市场经济转变。 China is transitioning from a planned economy to a market economy. 计划外投资off-plan investment 有了这笔计划外投资,这家公司可以开展一项新业务。 The company will start a new business with the off-plan investment. 我告诉出租车司机,我进去拿行李时他不用关计价器。 told the taxi driver to leave the meter running while I ran in to pick up my luggageballot counting 2006年2月7日海地大选时,国际维和部队和警察都在全国计票中心维持秩序,保证选举顺利进行。 Peacekeeping forces and police were at the scene to safeguard Haiti's nationallbalot counting center when the country’s election began on February 7,2006. 计时工资pay by the hour 这家企业同意实行计时工资制,员工们因此惊喜万分。 To the delight of employees,this company has agreed to pay them by the hour. 计算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system(CIMS) 陕想集团的计算机集成制造系统为亚洲一流。